Who We Are
Title IX Coordinator
Name | Contact | Location |
Dennis Kwarteng Equal Opportunity Director |
dkwarteng@fit.edu 321-309-3068 |
John E. Miller Office Bldg (401QAD)
Room: 137
Deputy Title IX Coordinators
Name | Contact | Location |
Kelsey Garrett Equal Opportunity (EO) Investigator |
kgarrett@fit.edu 321-674-7153 |
John E. Miller Office Bldg (401QAD)
Room: 135
Jennifer Mercurio Deputity Athletic Director |
jmercurio@fit.edu 321-674-8931 |
Charles and Ruth Clemente Center (510CLE)
Room: 104B
Pat Francois Director of Human Resources |
pfrancois@fit.edu 321-674-7277 |
Office of Human Resources R.A Work Administrative (408WRK)
Title IX Investigators
Name | Contact | Location |
Bonnie Rinck Security Lieutenant & Title IX Investigator |
brinck@fit.edu 321-674-8556 |
3126 Panther Place, Building 544
Room: 113
Title IX Advisors
Name | Contact | Location |
Christina Lind |
clind@fit.edu 321-674-7563 |
Keuper Administrative Building (411KUP); Room 226 |
Dr. Michael King |
michaelking@fit.edu 321-674-8636 |
L3 Harris Center for Science and Engineering (504LSA); Room 313 |
Dr. Brooke Wheeler |
bwheeler@fit.edu |
George M. Skurla Hall (460SKU); Room: 210L |
Dr. Chiradeep Sen |
csen@fit.edu |
F.W. Olin Engineering Complex (501OEC); Room: 215 |
Dr. Heidi Edwards |
edwardsh@fit.edu |
Frederick C. Crawford Bldg (420CRF).; Room 612 |
Dr. Jessica Smeltz |
jsmeltz@fit.edu |
F.W. Olin Physical Sciences (502OPS); Room 127 |
Nancy Garmer |
ngarmer@fit.edu 321-674-7542 |
Evan's Library (428EVL) |