Keuper Statue

SkyCross Laboratory Endowment


General Endowment

Year Established



Provide funds to be used in support of research and laboratory development in the area of antenna technology in Florida Tech's College of Engineering. (GF000169)


Funds are used at the discretion of the Dean of the College of Engineering. Funds may be used to purchase equipment; provide instructional research resources; compensate student researchers; support travel to present research; generally, strengthen research in antenna technology and laboratory development in this area.


SkyCross is a company whose mission is to develop antennas and further the research of wireless devices. It was founded in 2000 by Eric Alterman. Eric has founded many companies that relate to online communications, software development, and semiconductor ventures. Before his entrepreneurial journey, Eric graduated from the Tufts University and the Washington College of Law with a law degree. He worked as an attorney for multiple years until he formed MILCOM in 1997.

If you would like to contribute to this fund, please go to Panther Fund and use the "other" designation to identify that you wish to give to this named endowment fund.

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