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Anna Muenchrath

Assistant Professor | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts - School of Arts and Communication

Contact Information

Personal Overview

Hi! I just arrived at FIT in the fall of 2023. My research focuses on the global circulation of literary texts and translations in the 20th and 21st centuries. Recently, I've been interested in the ways that algorithms on sites like Amazon influence that circulation and how they might affect what and how we read. My classes, regardless of topic, focus on the interpretation and analysis of texts in a high-trust, low-stress interactive environment. My goal is for students to hone their analytical skills by approaching texts from a variety of diverse perspectives. Please get in touch if you have any questions (or recommendations for things to do for a newbie to Brevard County!).

Educational Background

PhD, University of Wisconsin–Madison (2019)

MA, University of Wisconsin–Madison (2014)

BA, Vanderbilt University (2012)

Current Courses

HUM 2052: Civ 2: Renaissance–Modern: "Therefore I Am: Tracing the Western Subject from 1500–Now"

HUM 2213: Brit & Amer Lit 2: "Troubled Selves"

Selected Publications


Selling Books with Algorithms. Under Contract: Cambridge Univeristy Press. Cambridge Elements in Publishing and Book Culture Series.

Making World Literature: Actors, Institutions, and Network in the United States since 1890. University of Massachusetts Press. Forthcoming December 2024.


“‘In Accord with the Spirit of American Democracy’: Tracing the Network of the U.S. Armed Services Editions.” American Literature, vol. 95, no. 4, 2023. 671–699.

“Making and Reading World Literature in a Pandemic: Global Logistics in Ling Ma’s Severance.” Journal of World Literature, vol. 7, no. 2, 2022. 184–201. Special issue edited by David Damrosch.

“Cut, Copyright, Paste: Proliferating Print Networks in Susan Howe’s Melville’s Marginalia.”Book History, vol. 24, no. 2, 2021. 476–498.

“Anthologizing Race: Folk, Volk and Untranslation in the Weimar Republic.”Journal of World Literature, vol. 3, no. 4, 2018. 552–575.  

“Decapitation, Pregnancy, and the Tongue: The Body as Political Metaphor in Measure for Measure.”Early Modern Literary Studies, vol. 20, no. 1, 2018. 1–19.


Translation of “Blick in den Strom” by Nikolaus Lenau, in Poems on Rivers, ed. Henry Hughes. Everyman’s Library, 2022.


Theories of World Literature, Literary Sociology, Print Culture and Book History, Translation Studies, Algorithms and Literary Circulation, 20th—21st Century Global Anglophone Literature, Media Studies, Global Modernisms

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