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Jonathan K. Fernand

Assistant Professor | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts: School of Behavior Analysis

Contact Information


Pediatric feeding disorders; caregiver & staff coaching; health & fitness; animal welfare; diversity, equity, inclusion, & accessibility

Personal Overview

Dr. Fernand currently conducts research across three research labs. His first lab is a collaborative lab with Dr. Sloman investigating applied applications of behavioral technology within clinical settings. The second lab is dedicated to applications to health, sports, and fitness. Finally, he oversees a research lab dedicated to LGBTQIA+ issues. 

Educational Background

Ph.D., Experimental Analysis of Behavior
University of Florida

M.A., Psychology - Specialization in Applied Behavior Analysis
California State University, Sacramento

Current Courses

Behavioral & Functional Assessment

Capstone in Behavior Analysis

Concentrated Supervised Fieldwork

Coordinating Behavior Analysis with Psychiatric and Other Medical Services

Developing & Strengthening New Behavior

Seminar in Pediatric Feeding Disorders

Selected Publications

Lazaro, X. A., Winter, J. M., Fernand, J. K., Cox, D. J., & Dorey, N. R. (2023). Efficacy of Edible and Leisure Reinforcers with Domestic Dogs. Animals.

Mead Jasperse, S. C., Kelly, N. P., Ward, S. N., Fernand, J. K., Joslyn, P. R., van Dijk, W. (2023). Consent and assent practices in behavior analysis. Behavior Analysis in Practice.

Fernand, J. K., Vollmer, T. R., Slocum, S. K., Baker Simms, C., & Peters, K. P. (2023). An evaluation of schedule thinning following treatment for aggression maintained by access to higher level restrictive and repetitive behavior. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 56, 831-841.

Grauerholtz-Fisher, E., Vollmer, T. R., Fernand, J. K., Perez, B., Amanieh, H., Wunderlich, K., & Peters, K. P. (2023). A comparison of baseline procedures in task analyses. Behavior Modification, 47, 1144-1169.

O’Hara, C., Fernand, J. K., Chhettri, A., & Fosua, B. (2022). Use of a pre-assessment to inform treatment of rapid eating. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 16, 860-866.

Vollmer, T. R., Athens, E., & Fernand, J. K. (2021). Developing function-based extinction procedures for problem behavior. In W. W. Fisher, C. C. Piazza, & H. S. Roane (Eds.), Handbook of applied behavior analysis (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford.

Fernand, J. K., Sutherland, M., & Hernández Eslava, V. (2021). Competency in the assessment and treatment of pediatric feeding disorders: Training and ethical considerations. In A. Maragakis, C. Drossel, & T. J. Walts (Eds.), Applications of behavior analysis to healthcare and beyond (pp. 175-202). Springer.

Kronfli, F. R., Vollmer, T. R., Fernand, J. K., & Bolívar, H. A. (2020). Evaluating preference for and reinforcing efficacy of fruits and vegetables compared with salty and sweet foods. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 53, 385-401.

Hernández, V., & Fernand, J. K. (2018). Effects of a high-probability instructional sequence on generalized food consumption. Mexican Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 44, 97-115.

Fernand, J. K., Amanieh, H., Cox, D. J., & Dorey, N. R. (2018). Any reward will do: Effects of a reverse-reward contingency on size preference with pet dogs (Canis lupis familiaris). Learning & Behavior, 46, 472-478.

Hernández, V., Fernand, J. K., Vollmer, T. R., & Slocum, S. K. (2018). Changes in response topographies of escape-maintained aggressive behavior across functional-analysis sessions. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 51, 521-527. 

Fernand, J. K., Saksena, K., Penrod, B., & Fryling, M. J. (2017). Pediatric feeding disorders: Clinical presentation and diagnosis. In J. L. Matson (Ed.), Handbook of childhood psychopathology & developmental disabilities: Treatment. New York, NY: Springer.

Hernández, V., Fernand, J. K., & Vollmer, T. R. (2016). Pediatric feeding problems: A field application in behavior analysis. Mexican Journal of Eating Disorders, 7(2), 144-156.

Fernand, J. K., Penrod, B., Fu, S., Whelan, C., & Medved, S. (2016). The effects of choice between non-preferred foods on the food consumption of children with food selectivity. Behavioral Interventions, 31, 87-101.

Fu, S. B., Penrod, B., Fernand, J. K., Whelan, C. M., Griffith, K., & Medved, S. (2015). The effects of modeling contingencies in the treatment of food selectivity in children with autism. Behavior Modification, 39, 771-784.

Miguel, C. F., Frampton, S. E., Lantaya, C. A., Quah, K., Meyer, C. S., LaFrance, D., Elias, N.C., & Fernand, J. K. (2015). The effects of tact training on the development of analogical reasoning. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 104, 96-118.

Penrod, B., Gardella, L., & Fernand, J. K. (2012). An evaluation of a progressive high-probability instructional sequence combined with low-probability demand fading in the treatment of food selectivity. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 45, 527-537. 

Love, J. J., Miguel, C. F., Fernand, J. K., & LaBrie, J. K. (2012). The effects of matched stimulation and response interruption and redirection on vocal stereotypy. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 45, 549-564.


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