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Andrew John Houvouras

Director | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts - School of Behavior Analysis

| Experiential Training

Contact Information

Personal Overview

As the Director of Experiential Training, Andrew oversees the Concentrated Supervised Fieldwork program (often referred to as practicum). First certified in 1999, Andrew has an extensive history as a behavior analyst working in children's and adults' residential treatment and public schools. The former president (2019) of the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis, he is an often invited speaker at state, national and international conferences. "I feel really fortunate to be part of the Florida Tech team. The University is an incredible place to grow as a professional," he said. Overseeing a behavior analytic podcast, writing research articles, and co-authoring a book, Andrew is an avid disseminator of the science of human behavior. His current ABA interests include supervision, assessment of severe problem behavior, applications of ABA to sports, and behavioral medicine.

Educational Background

BS- The Florida State University, 1993

MA- Marshall University, 1997

PhD student, Florida Tech (January 2022)

Professional Experience

Devereux of Florida

Brevard Public Schools

ABA Technologies/Florida Tech

Florida Tech

Selected Publications

Gavoni, P., Gormley, E., Krukauskus, F., Houvouras, A., & Costa, A. (2021). Quick responses for reducing misbehavior and supsensions, WND Press.


Houvouras, A., & Harvey, M. (2014). Establishing fire safety skills using behavioral skills training. Journal of Bpplied Behavior Analysis, 47 2, 420-4.


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