Kozaitis, Suzanne

Educational Background
B.S. Mathematics Education, Florida Institute of Technology
M.A. Library and Information Science, University of South Florida
Professional Experience
Adjunct Instructor, Florida Institute of Technology, Trigonometry and College Algebra
High School Teacher, Palm Beach County Schools, Honors Geometry, Pre-Algebra, and General Mathematics
Associate Librarian, Evans Library, Florida Institute of Technology
Current Professional Affiliations
FACRL (Florida Association of College and Research Libraries)
NASIG (North American Serials Interest Group) - Chair, Membership Services
Additional Duties
Graduate Council
University Teaching-Track Promotions Committee
Selected Publications
Keith Gallagher, Mark Fioravanti, and Suzanne Kozaitis. "Teaching Software Maintenance." 2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2019.)
Lewis Berman, Keith Gallagher, and Suzanne Kozaitis. "Evaluating the Use of Sound in Static Program Comprehension." ACM Transactions on Applied Perception 15 (1), 2017.
Jill Grogg, Hannah Rosen & Suzanne Kozaitis. "Using Research to Expand the Transformative Agreement: A LYRASIS Case Study." The Serials Librarian, 2022.
Recognition & Awards
ACITC Mini-Grant
IEEE Computer Society TCSE Distinguished Paper Award
Phi Kappa Phi Membership
President's Award for Excellence