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Radhika Krishnamurthy

Professor | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts - School of Psychology

Contact Information

Educational Background

B.A. Bombay University
M.A. Appalachian State University
Psy.D. Virginia Consortium for Professional Psychology

Professional Experience

  • Clinical Psychology faculty, Florida Institute of Technology, 1994-present
  • Clinical Psychology Program Chair and Director of Clinical Training, Florida Institute of Technology, 2003-2006.
  • Chair, Women's Issues Committee and Executive Committee member, National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology (2018-2020)
  • Advisory Board member, University of Minnesota Press, Test Division (2015-present).
  • President, Society for Personality Assessment, 2011-2013.
  • President, Section IX (Assessment) of the American Psychological Association's Division 12 (Clinical Psychology), 2008.
  • Member, Board of Trustees, Society for Personality Assessment, 2001-2007; 2009-2015.
  • Foundation Board director, Society for Personality Assessment, 2019-2021.
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Personality Assessment, 2005-2013 (Consulting Editor, 2000-2004; 2014-present).
  • Associate Editor, Assessment (2000-2003), Consulting Editor, , 1996-1999; 2004-present,
  • Consulting Editor, Psychological Assessment, 2002-2003; 2009-2018.
  • Consulting Editor, European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2017-present
  • Associate Editor, SPA Exchange, 1997-2003.
  • Member, Conference Committee (2007 conference on Clinical Training and 2005 conference on Pedagogy), National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology (NCSPP).
  • Chair, NCSPP Women's Issues Committee (2018-2020), Interim Chair (2017-2018), Vice-Chair 2009-2010, 2016-2017.
  • Lead delegate from Florida Tech's Clinical Psychology program to NCSPP, 2003-present
  • Site visitor, APA Commission on Accreditation, 2007-present.
  • Licensed Psychologist, Florida.

Dr. Krishnamurthy teaches the Psychological Assessment sequence (Intellectual and Personality Assessment) in the Psy.D. program. Her teaching experience has included courses in clinical and community psychology, child psychology, child and adolescent development, child and adolescent personality assessment, research methods, abnormal psychology and introductory psychology. She has been a member or chair of the School of Psychology's Diversity Committee for nearly 30 years.

Selected Publications

Perez-Palen, I. A., & Krishnamurthy, R. (2024). The influence of language on Thematic Apperception Test assessment of defenses in Spanish-speaking college students. Journal of Projective Psychology and Mental Health, 31(1), 22-34.

Rucker, J. T., & Krishnamurthy, R. (2023). Development and psychometric evaluation of an object relations measure for the Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank. Journal of Projective Psychology and Mental Health, 30(1), 18-30.

Krishnamurthy, R., Brabender, V. M., & Fertitta, M. C. (2022).  Assessment of personality and psychopathology via performance-based techniques.   In G. J. G. Asmundson (Editor-in-Chief), M. Sellbom & R. M. Bagby (Volume Editors), Comprehensive clinical psychology, 2nd ed., Vol. 4. Assessment (pp. 207-227).  New York: Elsevier.

Krishnamurthy, R., Smith, S. R., & Fertitta, M. C. (2022).  Contemporary assessment and diagnostic practices.  In G. J. G. Asmundson (Editor-in-Chief), N. Kaslow & A. Ponce (Volume Editors), Comprehensive clinical psychology, 2nd ed., Vol. 2. Professional issues (pp. 110-118).  New York: Elsevier.

Krishnamurthy, R., Hass, G. A., Natoli, A. P., Smith, B. L., Arbisi, P. A., & Gottfried, E. D. (2022).  Professional practice guidelines for personality assessment.  Journal of Personality Assessment, 104(1), 1-16.

Wright, A. J., Chavez, L., Edelstein, B. A., Grus, C. L., Krishnamurthy, R., Lieb, R., Mihura, J. L., Pincus, A. L., & Wilson, M. (2021).  Education and training guidelines for psychological assessment in health service psychology.  American Psychologist, 76(5), 794-801.

Smith, S. R., & Krishnamurthy, R. (Eds.) (2018).  Diversity-sensitive personality assessment.  New York: Routledge.

Krishnamurthy, R., & Meyer, G. J. (2016).  Psychopathology assessment.  In J. C. Norcross, G. R. VandenBos, and D. K. Freedheim (Editors-in-Chief), R. Krishnamurthy (Associate Editor), APA Handbook of Clinical Psychology. Vol. 3, Applications and Methods (pp. 103-137). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Krishnamurthy, R. (2016). Gender considerations in self-report personality interpretation.  In V. M. Brabender and J. Mihura (Eds.), Handbook of Gender and Sexuality in Psychological Assessment (pp. 128-148)  New York: Routledge.

Krishnamurthy, R., Finn, S. E., & Aschieri, F. (2016).  Therapeutic assessment in clinical and counseling psychology practice.  In U. Kumar (Ed.), The Wiley Handbook of Personality Assessment (pp. 228-239).  UK: Wiley.

Krishnamurthy, R., Archer, R. P., & Groth-Marnat, G. (2011). The Rorschach and performance-based assessment. In L. E. Beutler, G. Groth-Marnat, and T. M. Harwood (Eds.), Integrative Assessment of Adult Personality (3rd ed., pp. 276-328). New York: Guilford Publications, Inc.

Krishnamurthy, R. (2010). Assessment of adolescents using the PAI-A. In M. A. Blais, M. R. Baity, and C. J. Hopwood (Eds.), Clinical Applications of the Personality Assessment Inventory (pp. 55-76). New York: Routledge.

Krishnamurthy, R., & Yalof, J. A. (2009). The assessment competency. In M. B. Kenkel and R. L. Peterson (Eds.), Competency-based Education for Professional Psychology (pp. 87-104). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Krishnamurthy, R. (2008). Clinical psychology practice. In D. C. S. Richard and S. K. Huprich (Eds.), Clinical Psychology: Assessment, Treatment, and Research (pp. 477-493). San Diego: Academic Press.

Archer, R. P., Krishnamurthy, R., & Stredny, R. V. (2006). The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Adolescent (MMPI-A). In S. R. Smith and L. Handler (Eds.), The Clinical Assessment of Children and Adolescents: A Practitioner's Handbook (pp. 237-266). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Krishnamurthy, R., VandeCreek, L., Kaslow, N. J., Tazeau, Y.N., Miville, M. L., Kerns, R., Stegman, R., Suzuki, L., & Benton, S. A. (2004). Achieving competency in psychological assessment: Directions for education and training. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 60, 725-739.

Wood, J. M., Krishnamurthy, R., & Archer, R. P. (2003). Three Factors of the Comprehensive System for the Rorschach and their relationship to Wechsler IQ scores in an adolescent sample. Assessment, 10, 259-265.

Archer, R.P. and Krishnamurthy, R. (2002). Essentials of MMPI-A Assessment. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Krishnamurthy, R. & Archer, R.P. (2001). An evaluation of the effects of Rorschach EB style on the diagnostic utility of the Depression Index. Assessment, 8, 105-109.

Krishnamurthy, R. & Archer, R.P. (1999). A comparison of two interpretive approaches for the MMPI-A Structural Summary. Journal of Personality Assessment, 73, 245-259.

Archer, R.P. & Krishnamurthy, R. (1997). MMPI-A and Rorschach indices related to depression and conduct disorder: An evaluation of the incremental validity hypothesis. Journal of Personality Assessment, 69, 517-533.

Archer, R.P. & Krishnamurthy, R. (1997). MMPI-A scale-level factor structure: Replication in a clinical sample. Assessment, 4, 337-349.

Archer, R.P. & Krishnamurthy, R. (1996). The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Adolescent (MMPI-A). In C. S. Newmark (Ed.), Major psychological assessment instruments (2nd ed., pp. 59-107). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Krishnamurthy, R., Archer, R.P., & House, J.J. (1996). The MMPI-A and Rorschach: A failure to establish convergent validity. Assessment, 3, 179-191.

Recognition & Awards

  • Martin Mayman award for Distinguished Contribution to the Literature in Personality Assessment, granted by the Society for Personality Assessment, March 2023.
  • Presidential Recognition award for Outstanding Scholarship, granted by the National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology, January, 2020.
  • Distinguished Contribution to Assessment Psychology award, granted by the American Psychological Association's Division 12 (Clinical Psychology) Section IX (Assessment), August, 2019.
  • Distinguished Service and Contribution to Personality Assessment award, granted by the Society for Personality Assessment, March, 2019.
  • Faculty Excellence award in Service, 2018, Florida Institute of Technology.
  • Outstanding Clinical Psychology Professor of the Year (granted by clinical psychology students) (2012-2013 academic year).
  • Fellow, American Psychological Association (APA) and APA's Division 12, Clinical Psychology (2010).
  • Diplomate, American Board of Assessment Psychology and Fellow, American Academy of Assessment Psychology (2009).
  • 10th Annual Child Abuse Prevention Educator Award (granted by Community Based Care of Brevard with Child Abuse Prevention Task Force of Brevard, FL. (2006).
  • Outstanding Clinical Psychology Professor of the Year (granted by clinical psychology students) (2005-2006 academic year).
  • Outstanding Clinical Psychology Professor of the Year (granted by clinical psychology students) (2001-2002 academic year).
  • Samuel J. and Anne G. Beck Award (for research in personality assessment) (2000).
  • Fellow, Society for Personality Assessment (1999).


Dr. Krishnamurthy directs clinical and forensic assessment research centered on the use of personality assessment methods.  Current research projects directed by her are on (1) the effects of race-related stressors on MMPI-3 scores of African Americans, and (2) evaluating the MMPI-3 Suicide/Death Ideation scale scores of outpatient mental health clients.  Other recent research projects directed by her are on topics of comparing defensiveness in sex offenders' and child custody litigants' MMPI-2-RF test profiles, deriving optimal cut scores for within-normal-limits MMPI-2-RF profiles of sex offenders, examining the MMPI-3 profiles of sex-trafficked women, development and evaluation of an object-relations scale for a sentence completion measure, two projects involving cultural influences in the MMPI-3 and TAT, and evaluation of interpersonal functioning.

Research & Project Interests

Dr. Krishnamurthy’s research interests include clinical and forensic personality assessment of adults and adolescents using the MMPI-A/RF, MMPI-2/RF, PAI, MCMI-III/IV, and Rorschach; application of psychological testing in treatment planning; therapeutic assessment and feedback; professional competencies; women's issues; cultural diversity.


  • American Psychological Association (Div. 12: Clinical Psychology; Div. 12 Section IX:  Assessment)
  • Society for Personality Assessment 
  • International Society of the Rorschach and Projective Methods 
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