Nicholson, Catherine

Catherine Nicholson
Assistant Professor | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts: School of Behavior Analysis
Faculty Supervisor | The Scott Center for Autism Treatment
Contact Information
Personal Overview
Dr. Katie Nicholson received her Ph.D. in Behavior Analysis from Florida Institute of Technology and then completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Munroe-Meyer Institute at University of Nebraska Medical Center. Her interests in behavior analysis include the conceptual analysis of behavior, assessment and treatment of children with developmental disabilities, staff training and performance management, systems analysis in human services settings, and social justice and persuasion. She has developed lines of research in teaching verbal operants, tacting private events, examining the efficiency of various trial arrangement procedures, use of technology to train staff, and building rapport with children. Dr. Nicholson has over 20 years of clinical experience in focused and comprehensive intensive behavioral intervention for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and other disorders (age 1-87) across a wide variety of settings (public school, private school, university-based clinic, hospital, community, home).
Educational Background
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders
University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska
Doctor of Philosophy
Behavior Analysis
School of Behavior Analysis
Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida
Master of Science
Applied Behavior Analysis and Organizational Behavior Management
School of Psychology
Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida
Current Courses
BEH5100 Concepts, Principles & Characteristics of Behavior Analysis
BEH 5202 Ethics in Behavior Analytic Research
BEH 5251 Practical Training in Behavior Analysis
BEH 5500 Strategies in the Development of New Behaviors
BEH 6800 Supervised Research
BEH 6302 Verbal Behavior