Subramanian, Chelakara

Chelakara S. Subramanian
Professor | COES: Department of Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences
Contact Information
(321) 674-7614
321-987-9068 (Mobile) F.W. Olin Engineering Complex, BLDG 501 Room # 247
Personal Overview
- American Society of Mechanical Engineering Senior Member
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Associate Fellow)
- American Physical Society Member (Past)
- Aero. Soc. of India (Associate Fellow) Life Member
- MSE (member of Society of Engineers, UK)
- P.Eng (UK) Professional Engineers
- Fellow of International Institution of Engineers (FIIE)
- Eng. P. Eur. International Professional Engineers
- Order of the Engineer (US)
- Instrument Society of America Member
- National Academy of Inventors Member
- ABET Program Evaluator
Educational Background
B.E. Bangalore University, India 1973
M.E., Indian Institute of Science, India 1975
Ph.D. University of Newcastle, Australia 1982
Post-Doc, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK 1986
Professional Experience
- Professor and Program Chair of Aerospace Engineering (2005-2018), Associate professor and former AE program chair (1996-99) of Aerospace Engineering, Florida Institute of Technology, 1992–present
- Adjunct research professor, Naval Postgraduate School, Calif., 1988–1991
- Senior research engineer and group manager, British Maritime Tech., U.K., 1986–1988
- Postdoctoral research assistant, Imperial College of Science and Technology, U.K., 1982–1986
- Teaching assistant, University of Newcastle, Australia, 1977–1981
- Senior research fellow, Indian Institute of Science, India, 1975–1977
Current Courses
Aerospace Practicum, Viscous Flow, Fluid Mechanics Lab, Experimental Fluid Dynamics, Experimental Aerodynamics, Aerodynamics of Wings and Bodies, Experimental Methods in Turbulence, Compressible Flow, Fluid Mechanics, Experimental Methods in Turbulence.
Selected Publications
Jian Zhang; Jianing Wang; Soundarya Sridhar; Chelakara Subramanian; Jean-Paul Pinelli; Steven Lazarus; Ali Lebbar, Full-Scale Testing and Performance Evaluation of The Florida Tech Wireless Sensor Network System, Proceeding of the 14th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering May 17-19, 2022 – Lubbock, TX National Wind Institute – Texas Tech University
David Roueche; Jianing Wang; Chelakara Subramanian; Jean-Paul Pinelli; John Stiles; Dan Jackson Remote In-Situ Monitoring of Wind Loads On A Frame-Supported Fabric Membrane Structure , Proceeding of the 14th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering May 17-19, 2022 – Lubbock, TX National Wind Institute – Texas Tech University
Hadley Besing; Steven Lazarus; Chelakara Subramanian; Jean-Paul Pinelli; Steven Cocke, Characterization of Surface Roughness Within Suburban Canopy Layer Using Morphometric Techniques, Proceeding of the 14th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering May 17-19, 2022 – Lubbock, TX National Wind Institute – Texas Tech University.
Soundarya Sridhar; Jian Zhang; Jianing Wang; Jean Paul Pinelli; Chelakara Subramanian; Steven Lazarus; Ali Lebbar, Measurement of Wind Loads On Glass Sliding Doors Using Florida Tech 8 Wireless Sensor Network System Proceeding of the 14th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering May 17-19, 2022 – Lubbock, TX National Wind Institute – Texas Tech University
Jianing Wang and Chelakara Subramanian, Analysis of Complex Flow Characteristics from Field and Simulated Hurricane Measurements Proceedings of the 6th Residential Building Design & Construction Conference (RBDCC) online on May 11-12, 2022. Pennsylvania Housing Research Center (www.engr.psu.edu/phrc), Penn State University, USA
Chelakara S. Subramanian, Harika Gurram, “A Computational and Experimental Study of Wake of Thin Flexible Wires”, Journal of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (JFFHMT, Volume 7, 2020, DOI: 10.11159/jffhmt.2020.004
Sunil Chintalapati, Chelakara Subramanian , A Wireless Sensors Network System for Local Multipoint Storm Surge Measurements, Marine Technology Society Journal, Volume 52, Number 4, July/August 2018, pp. 32-41(10) Marine Technology Society, DOI: https://doi.org/10.4031/MTSJ.52.4.8
- Chelakara Subramanian, Jean-Paul Pinelli Ivica Kostanic and Gabriel Lapilli, “Analysis and Characterization of Hurricane Winds,” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Special Issue, titled: Experimental Methods in Damage Detection and Wind Engineering, Ed. Esmailey, March 2013, Vol. 139, (3), pp. 325 – 338
- Chelakara Subramanian, Jean-Paul Pinelli, Ivica Kostanic, Gabriel Lapilli, Design, “Development and Testing of A Wireless Multi-Sensors Network System”, Journal of Mechanics, Engineering and Automation, 2 (2012), 169 -183
- J.A. Balderrama, F.J. Masters, K.R. Gurley, D.O. Prevatt, L.D. Aponte-Bermu´dez , T.A. Reinhold, J.-P. Pinelli, C.S. Subramanian , S.D. Schiff , A.G. Chowdhury, “The Florida Coastal Monitoring Program (FCMP) :A review “, J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 99 (2011) 979–995
- Chelakara Subramanian, Frederic Kreit, Gabriel Lapilli, Jean-Paul Pinelli and Ivica Kostanic , “Experimental and Computational Performance Analysis of a Multi-Sensor Wireless Network System for Hurricane Monitoring,” Sensors & Transducers Journal, Vol. 10, Special Issue, February 2011, pp. 206-244
- J.-P. Pinelli, G. Pita, K. Gurley, B. Torkian, S. Hamid, C. Subramanian, “Damage Characterization: Application to Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model,” Natural Hazards Review Journal, February 4, 2011. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)NH.1527-6996.0000051
- Frederic Kreit, Guillaume Barberio, Chelakara Subramanian, Ivica Kostanic, Jean Paul Pinelli, “Performance Testing of the Wireless Sensor Network System for Hurricane Monitoring”, 2010 First International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 63-72, July 2010
- Otero, C., Velazquez, A., Kostanic, I. Subramanian, C., and Pinelli, J.-P., "Real-Time Monitoring of Hurricane Winds using Wireless Sensor Technology," Journal of Computers, Vol.4, No.12, Dec. 2009, pp. 1275-1285
- J.-P. Pinelli, K.R. Gurley, C.S. Subramanian, S.S. Hamid and G.L. Pita, “Validation of a probabilistic model for hurricane insurance loss projections in Florida”, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 93, 12, December 2008, pp 1896-1905,
- C.S. Subramanian, T. Amer, B. T. Upchurch , D. W. Alderfelder, C. Burkett, and B. Sealey, New Device and Method for Measuring Thermal Conductivity of Thin-films, ISA Transactions journal, Vol. 45, No. 3, July, 2006, pp. 313-318
- C.S. Subramanian, J.-P. Pinelli, C. Lapilli, and L. Buist, A Wireless Multi-Point Pressure Sensing System: Design and Operation, IEEE Sensors journal, Vol.5, No.5, October 2005, pp 1068-1074
- J.-P. Pinelli, C.S. Subramanian, C. Lapilli, and L. Buist, Application of a Wireless Pressure Sensing System to Coastal Wind Monitoring, International Journal of Wind and Structures, Vol. 8, No. 3 (2005), pp 179-196
- Scott T. Borge, Mark F. Reeder, C. Subramanian, Jim Crafton and Sergey Fonov, Flow Around an Object Projected From A Cavity Into A Supersonic Freestream, AIAA Journal, Vol.43, No. 7, July 2005, pp 1465-1475
- Arindam Banerjee, Anil A. Ogale, Champak Das, Kunal Mitra, and Chelakara Subramanian, Temperature Distribution in Different Materials Due to Short-Pulse Laser Irradiation, Journal of Heat Transfer Engineering, August 2005, Vol. 26, No. 8 (2005), pp. 41-49
- Chelakara S. Subramanian, Paul I. King, Mark F. Reeder, Shichuan Ou, and Richard B. Rivir, Effects of Strong Irregular Roughness on the Turbulent Boundary Layer, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, Vol.72 (2-4), 2004, pp. 349-368
- J.-P, Pinelli, C. Subramanian, M. Plamondon, Wind Effects on Emergency Vehicles, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.92, 2004, pp. 663-685
- Chelakara S. Subramanian, Shinjo Nagahiko and Sathya N. Gangadharan, A study of Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Boundary Layer with Algae Roughness, SNAME Marine Technology Journal, Vol.41, No. 2, April 2004, pp. 60-66
- Chelakara S. Subramanian, Trond M. Ostrem and Sathya N. Gangadharan, Non-Contact Measurement of Marine Bio-Fouling Roughness, SNAME Marine Technology Journal, Vol.41, No.2, April 2004, pp. 67-73
- Jean-Paul Pinelli, Emil Simiu, Kurt Gurley, Chelakara Subramanian, Liang Zhang, Ann Cope, and James J. Filliben, and Shahid Hamid. Hurricane Damage Prediction Model for Residential Structures, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 130 , No.11 ,Nov 2004, pp. 1685-1691
- Jean-Paul Pinelli, C. S. Subramanian and Johan Tabora, Experimental Study of Break-Away Sign Connections, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol.128, No.1, January 2002, pp. 1-4
- C. S. Subramanian, T.R. Amer, D. Oglesby, C. G. Burkett, A New Self-Referencing PSP Measurement, AIAA Journal, Vol, 40, No.3, 2002, pp 582-84, 2 Science Index Citations
- N. Shinjo, L. Buist and C. S. Subramanian, "Stepper Motor Control with a PC-Based Data Acquisition Toolkit" IEEE Canadian Review, Autumn 1999, pp. 9-14
- Morrison, J.F., Subramanian, C. S. and Bradshaw, P., Bursts and the Law of the Wall in Turbulent Boundary Layers, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 241, 1992, pp. 75-108
- P.M. Ligrani, C.S. Subramanian, T. M. Coumes, F. J. Greco, J. M. Longest and H. Koth,, "Study of the Imposition of Bulk Flow Pulsations on Plane Channel Flow at Moderate Stokes Numbers" Experimental Thermal and Fluid Sciences Journal, vol 5, no. 2, March 1992, pp. 145-161
- C.S. Subramanian , P. M. Ligrani, and M. F. Tuzzolo, "Surface Heat Transfer and Flow Properties of Vortex Arrays Induced Artificially and From Centrifugal Instabilities", Int. Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, vol 13, no 3, Sept. 1992, pp. 210-223, 6 Science Index Citations
- P. M. Ligrani, W. H. Finlay, W. A. Fields, S. J. Fuqua and C.S. Subramanian, "Features of Wavy Vortices in a Curved Channel From Experimental and Numerical Studies" Physics of Fluids A Journal, 4(4), April 1992, pp. 695-709
- P.M. Ligrani, C.S. Subramanian, D.W. Craig and P. Kaisuwan), "Effect of Vortices with Different Circulations on Injectant and Heat Transfer Downstream of A Single Film-cooling Hole in a Turbulent Boundary Layer, ASME Transaction - Journal of Turbomachinery, vol. 113, no. 3, July 1991, pp. 433-441
- P.M. Ligrani, C.S. Subramanian, D.W. Craig and P. Kaisuwan, "Effect of Vortices with Different Circulations on Injectant and Heat Transfer Downstream of A Row of Film-cooling Hole in a Turbulent Boundary Layer". ASME Transaction - Journal of Heat Transfer , vol. 113, 1, 1991, pp. 79-90
- R. Narasimha, C.S. Subramanian and M.A. Badrinarayanan, "Turbulent Spot Growth in Favourable Pressure Gradients", AIAA Journal, vol. 22, no. 6, June 1984, pp. 837-839. DOI: 10.2514/3.8689
- R. A. Antonia, S. Rajagopalan, C.S. Subramanian and A.J. Chambers,"Reynolds Number Dependence of the Structure of a Turbulent Boundary Layer" Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 121, 1982, pp.123-140
- C.S. Subramanian, S. Rajagopalan, R.A. Antonia, and A.J. Chambers, "Comparison of Conditional Sampling and Averaging Techniques in a Turbulent Boundary Layer" Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 123, 1982, pp.335-362,
- C.S. Subramanian and R.A. Antonia, "A Model for the Skewness of the Temperature Derivative in a Turbulent Boundary Layer", Physics of Fluids Journal, 25(6), June 1982, pp.957-958
- S. Rajagopalan, C.S. Subramanian, R. A. Antonia and A. J. Chambers, "Spanwise Correlation of Temperature in a Turbulent Boundary Layer", Physics of Fluids Journal, 25(7), July 1982.
- C.S. Subramanian and R.A. Antonia,"Response of a Turbulent Boundary Layer to a Sudden Decrease in Wall Heat Flux", Int. Journal Heat Mass Transfer, vol. 24, no. 10, Oct. 1981, pp. 1641-1647, 26.
- C.S. Subramanian and R.A. Antonia,, "Effects of Reynolds Number on a Slightly Heated Turbulent Boundary Layer", Int. Journal Heat Mass Transfer, Nov. 1981, pp. 1833-1846
Recognition & Awards
Assoc. Fellow AIAA, P.Eng(UK), FIIE, NAI
2019 – 23 NIST Grant (PI)
NIST Award # 70NANB19H088 Project Title: Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) System and LIDAR Experiments for the Characterization of Strong Wind Loads on Non-Structural components and Near-Surface Wind Profiles.
2001 US Patent # 6,331,075 granted for the “Device and Method for Measuring Thermal Conductivity of Thin Films”
- Hurricane Loss Model (FDOI/FIU funded)
- Measurement and Characterization of Effects of Hurricane Winds Using Wireless Sensor Network (NSF funded)
- Remote Sensing of Wind Pressures on Coastal Residences (NOAA/ FL Sea Grant funded)
- Detection of Debonding of TPS Using Short-Pulse Lasers (FSREGP funded)
- Detection of Lightning Through Clouds (FSREGP Funded)
- Effects of Strong Roughness on Boundary Layer Turbulence Structure (WPAFB funded)
- Effects of Marine Bio-Fouling Roughness on Boundary layer Structure (NSF/HBOI Funded)
- Wind Effects on Emergency Rescue Vehicles ( FEMA/FDCA funded)
Research & Project Interests
Dr. Subramanian's main interest is in structure of turbulence in various types of complex flows (including vortex imbedded boundary layers; curved shear layers; rigid, large, and flexible roughness effects; rotating shear layers and unsteady flows). The purpose is to explain the underlying mechanism of turbulence and to develop better flow models, which will help to develop more efficient engines for space vehicles and high-performance airfoils for the future generation airplanes. Other interests include:
- Design, testing and development of flow measuring instruments, such as wireless sensor network, laser Doppler, particle imaging and hot-wire anemometers; miniature pressure and temperature probes; and pressure-sensitive and temperature-sensitive paints. Flow visualization using laser induced fluorescence.
Wind loading on structures and road vehicles. Hazard mitigation - Detection of debonding in Thermal Protection System of Shuttle Orbiter and Detection of Lightning through Clouds Using Short-Pulse Lasers and Streak Camera.
- Gas turbine film-cooling, internal combustion and hydraulic propulsion systems. Alternative fuels. Desiccant air-conditioning systems
- Wind tunnel design and aerodynamic testing.
Dr. Subramanian has involved in many outreach activities such as, high-school STEM students in wind tunnel testing and experimental aerodynamics, offered workshops and short courses to industry personnel, hosted/supervised FIT school visitors, pre-college students (minorities) and international interns in his research.
Dr. Subramanian has been a consultant for several industrial projects. Technology expert on environmental impact of wind turbines, hurricane wind impact on residential structures and mitigation.
Panel Reviewer for NASA, NSF and DoD project proposals. Reviewed textbooks on Fluid Mechanics for several publishers.