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Enrique Perez

Emeritus Faculty | Nathan M. Bisk College of Business

Personal Overview

My academic goals are: 1) to design and teach innovative, provocative, and effective courses for both undergraduate and MBA programs. 2) to use my international business experience and the knowledge acquired from my Ph.D. programs to advance meaningful broad based research that focuses on creating value.  3) to advance our understanding of the determinants and outcomes of public/private health care issues and global health care concerns.

Educational Background

B.I.E. Georgia Institute of Technology, 1983
M.B.A. Georgia State University, 1989
Ph. D. Florida Atlantic University, 2011

Professional Experience

Florida Atlantic University

  • Instructor College of Business 2005 - 2011
  • Instructor School of Public Administration 2009 - 2011

Cernet de Mexico - Founder/General Manager 2000 - 2004

Cernet of America - Managing Director 2000 - 2004

Panduit Corporation -

  • Latin America General and Sales Manager 1995 -1999
  • Product Manager 1989 - 1995

GMD - Software and Hardware Sales 1987 -1989

The Alvare Gorup

  • Product Manager/Middle East Sales 1983 - 1985
  • Sales Manager, USA 1985 - 1987
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