For centuries, space science and exploration consisted of what astronomers could observe with telescopes from Earth. However, the past 60 years of scientific, engineering and technological advancements has dramatically changed the nature of space science. While a job as an astronaut symbolizes what most people think of a career in space science, reality is that space science is a diverse, multidisciplinary subject that includes nearly every scientific discipline as well as a broad collection of specialties.
Space Scientists Impact Daily Life
The human race has a common origin that transcends insignificant differences like gender, race, ethnicity and religion. In understanding these things, we plan for a future for the human race that is technologically advanced and able to solve the problems associated with such things as resource sustainability, overpopulation, global warming and national security.
This understanding also improves our quality of life with products of convenience and technologies that impact our daily lives from cell phones and MRI scans to GPS traffic management and weather forecasts. And even though research and exploration take years to produce results, the astounding human benefits from scientific knowledge and technological advances end up being as important as the original mission of discovery.
Scientists have learned a lot about earth studying from space. The result of decades of scientific, engineering and technological advancement is a workforce of theorists, critical thinkers, problem solvers and analysts who fill a myriad of jobs in a myriad of industries, all dedicated to the exploration and innovating that changes the world.
By Definition, Space Science is the Study of the Universe, Galaxy, Solar System and Our Home Planet
It emcompasses a range of topics including cosmology, astrophysics, astronomy, planetary science and astrobiology. It is the science that aims to construct a comprehensive understanding of our cosmic origins and of life elsewhere in the universe, whether it is extraterrestrial in origin or humans exploring our solar system and beyond. It goes beyond pure scientific fields in areas such as enginieering, mathematics and information technology because so many of the complex questions and problems of our time demand experts in a myriad of disciplines.
Contributions From Space
Here are some out of this world innovations from space.