Message from the president: "I’m pleased to report that the university has weathered Hurricane Milton with our trademark teamwork and perseverance. A preliminary assessment of campus shows only minor damage and everyone safe." Read the president's entire message.

Evans Libary- Office of Student Advising

Advising Partnership

To ensure success during your college career, it is important to understand what the advisor's and student's roles are in the advising partnership.

Advisor Responsibilities

  • Respond to student communications in a timely manner
  • Communicate the university’s programs, policies, and procedures
  • Collaborate with students to identify the best course of action to address concerns
  • Monitor students’ progress through email communications, advising appointments, and the University Experience course
  • Refer students to appropriate resources

Student Responsibilities

  • Check Florida Tech email on a regular basis; this is the official mode of communication between the university and the student
  • Become knowledgeable about the university’s programs, policies, and procedures
  • Come to appointments on time and prepared to discuss your academic progress
  • Be respectful, honest, and professional when communicating with your advisor
  • Consider how your priorities and academic goals align when making decisions
  • Follow through on suggested actions and/or referrals 
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