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Ming Zhang

Professor | College of Engineering and Science - Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences

Contact Information

Educational Background

B.S. Fudan University 1984
Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1991

Professional Experience

Professor, Department of Physics and Space Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology (2006 - Present)

Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Space Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology (2001 - 2005)

Senior Research Associate, Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago (1998-2001)

Research Scientist, Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago (1995-1997)

Research Associate, Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago (1991-1994)

Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, South Yangtze University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China (1984 -1987)

Vice Chair, COSPAR Commission D1 on the Heliospheric Physics (2006-2010)

Associate Editor, Journal of Advances in Space Research (2006-2010)

Co-Investigator, COsmic and Solar Particle Investigation (COSPIN) Team on NASA-ESA joint Ulysses mission

Guest Investigator, NASA Voyager mission

Guest Investigator, NASA Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) mission

Member of Plasma Science Team, Voyager-2 encounter with Neptune

Committee Member, NASA Solar Heliospheric Management Operations Working Group (2009-2011)

Selected Publications

  1. Zhang, Ming; Cheng, Lei; Zhang, Ju; Riley, Pete; Kwon, Ryun Young; Lario, David; Balmaceda, Laura; Pogorelov, Nicklai; A data-driven physics-based transport model of solar energetic particles accelerated by coronal mass ejection shocks propagating through the solar coronal and heliospheric magnetic fields, Astrophys. J. Suppl Ser, 266, 25, 2023,
  2. Cheng, Lei; Zhang, Ming; Lario, David; Balmaceda, Laura; Kwon, Ryun Young; Cohen, Christina; Simulation of the Solar Energetic Particle Event on 2020 May 29 Observed by Parker Solar Probe, Astrophys. J., 943, 134, 2023,
  3. Smith, William P.; Renfroe, Kyle; Pogorelov, Nikolai V.; Zhang, Ming; Gedalin, Michael; Kim, Tae K., Bulk Properties of Pickup Ions Derived from the Ulysses Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer Data, Astrophys. J., 933, 124,, 2022, 3847/1538-4357/ac73f2.
  4. Rankin, Jamie S.; Bindi, Veronica; Bykov, Andrei M.; Cummings, Alan C.; Della Torre, Stefano; Florinski, Vladimir; Heber, Bernd; Potgieter, Marius S.; Stone, Edward C.; Zhang, Ming, Galactic Cosmic Rays Throughout the Heliosphere and in the Very Local Interstellar Medium, Space Sci Rev, 218, 5, 42, 2022, 1007/s11214-022-00912-4.
  5. Sokół, Justyna M.; Kucharek, Harald; Baliukin, Igor I.; Fahr, Hans; Izmodenov, Vladislav V.; Kornbleuth, Marc; Mostafavi, Parisa; Opher, Merav; Park, Jeewoo; Pogorelov, Nikolai V.; Quinn, Philip R.; Smith, Charles W.; Zank, Gary P.; Zhang, Ming, Interstellar Neutrals, Pickup Ions, and Energetic Neutral Atoms Throughout the Heliosphere: Present Theory and Modeling Overview, Space Sci. Rev., 218, 3, 18, 2022, 1007/s11214-022-00883-6.
  6. Zirnstein, E. J.; Möbius, E.; Zhang, M.; Bower, J.; Elliott, H. A.; McComas, D. J.; Pogorelov, N. V.; Swaczyna, P., In Situ Observations of Interstellar Pickup Ions from 1 au to the Outer Heliosphere, Space Sci. Rev., 218, 4, 28, 2022, 1007/s11214-022-00895-2.
  7. Desiati, Paolo; Díaz Vélez, Juan Carlos; Pogorelov, Nikolai; Zhang, Ming, Snowmass 2021 LoI: Determination of cosmic ray properties in the local interstellar medium with all-sky anisotropy observations, 2020arXiv200904883D, 2020, arXiv:2009.04883.
  8. Luo, X; Feng, X.; Shen, F.; Zhang, M.; and Potgieter, M.; A Numerical Study of the effects of a Corotating Interaction Region on cosmic proton and helium transport, Proc. 37th Int’l Cosmic Ray Conf., SH 395, 1353, 2020, DOI:
  9. Zhang, Ming; Pogorelov, N. V.; Zhang, Y.; Hu, H. B.; Schlickeiser, R., The Original Anisotropy of TeV Cosmic Rays in the Local Interstellar Medium, Astrophys. J., 889, 97, 2020.
  10. Zhang, Ming; Pogorelov, Nikolai, Modulation of Galactic Cosmic Rays by Plasma Disturbances Propagating Through the Local Interstellar Medium in the Outer Heliosheath, Astrophys. J., 895, 1, 2020.
  11. Zhao, Lulu;Zhang, Ming;  Lario, David, Modeling the Transport Processes of a Pair of Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed by Parker Solar Probe Near Perihelion, Astrophys. J., 898, 16, 2020.
  12. Luo, Xi; Zhang, Ming;  Feng, Xueshang;  Potgieter, Marius S.;  Shen, Fang; Bazilevskaya, Galina, A Numerical Study of the Effects of Corotating Interaction Regions on Cosmic-Ray Transport, Astrophys. J., 899, 90, 2020.
  13. Lario, D.; Kwon, R. Y.; Balmaceda, L.; Richardson, I. G.; Krupar, V.; Thompson, B. J.; Cyr, O. C. St; Zhao, L.; Zhang, M., Fast and Wide CMEs without Observed >20 MeV Protons, Astrophys. J., 889, 92, 2020.
  14. Luo, Xi; Potgieter, Marius S.; Bindi, Veronica; Zhang, Ming; Feng, Xueshang, A numerical study of cosmic proton modulation using AMS-02 observations, Astrophys. J., 878, 6, 2019.
  15. Schlickeiser, R.; Oppotsch, J.; Zhang, M.; Pogorelov, N. V., On the Anisotropy of Galactic Cosmic Rays, Astrophys. J., 879, 29, 2019.
  16. Zhao, Lulu; Li, Gang; Zhang, Ming; Wang, Linghua; Moradi, Ashraf; Effenberger, Frederic, Statistical Analysis of Interplanetary Magnetic Field Path Lengths from Solar Energetic Electron Events Observed by WIND, Astrophys. J., 878, 107, 2019.
  17. Zhang, Ming, Zhao, L. and Rassoul H.K., Stochastic Propagation of Solar Energetic Particles in Coronal and Interplanetary Magnetic Fields, Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1225, 012010, 2019.
  18. Zhang, Ming; Zhao, Lulu; von Steiger, R.; Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F.; Gloeckler, G. M.; Desai, M.; Pogorelov, N. V., “Determination of Plasma, Pickup Ion, and Suprathermal Particle Spectrum in the Solar Wind Frame of Reference”, Astrophys. J., 871, 60, 2019
  19. Zhao, Lulu; Zhang, Ming, “Effects of Coronal Magnetic Field Structures on the Transport of Solar Energetic Particles” Astrophys. J., 859, 29, 2018
  20. Luo, Xi; Potgieter, Marius S.; Zhang, Ming; Feng, Xueshang, “A Study of Electron Forbush Decreases with a 3D SDE Numerical Model”, Astrophys. J., 860, 160, 2018
  21. Zhang, Ming; Zhao, Lulu, “Precipitation and Release of Solar Energetic Particles from the Solar Coronal Magnetic Field”, Astrophys. J., 846, 107, 2017
  22. Zhao, L.; Zhang, M.; Rassoul, H. K., “The Effects of Interplanetary Transport in the Event-intergrated Solar Energetic Particle Spectra”, Astrophys. J., 836, 31, 2017.
  23. Lario, D.; Kwon, R.-Y.; Richardson, I. G.; Raouafi, N. E.; Thompson, B. J.; von Rosenvinge, T. T.; Mays, M. L.; Mäkelä, P. A.; Xie, H.; Bain, H. M.; Zhang, M.; Zhao, L.; Cane, H. V.; Papaioannou, A.; Thakur, N.; Riley, P., “The Solar Energetic Particle Event of 2010 August 14: Connectivity with the Solar Source Inferred from Multiple Spacecraft Observations and Modeling”, Astrophys. J., 838, 51, 2017.
  24. Luo, X.; Potgieter, M. S.; Zhang, M.; Feng, X., “A Numerical Study of Forbush Decreases with a 3D Cosmic-Ray Modulation Model Based on an SDE Approach”, Astrophys. J., 839, 53, 2017.
  25. Pogorelov, N. V.; Fichtner, H.; Czechowski, A.; Lazarian, A.; Lembege, B.; le Roux, J. A.; Potgieter, M. S.; Scherer, K.; Stone, E. C.; Strauss, R. D.; Wiengarten, T.; Wurz, P.; Zank, G. P.; Zhang, M., “Heliosheath Processes and the Structure of the Heliopause: Modeling Energetic Particles, Cosmic Rays, and Magnetic Fields”, Space Sci. Rev., 212, 193, 2017
  26. Zhang, Ming; Pogorelov, Nikolai The Heliosphere as Seen in TeV Cosmic Rays, J. Conf Ser, 767, 2017, 2016
  27. Zhao, L., M. Zhang, and H. K. Rassoul, “Double Power Laws in the Event-Integrated Solar Energetic Particle Spectrum.” Astrophys. J., 821, 62, 2016.
  28. Luo, Xi; Potgieter, Marius S.; Zhang, Ming; Pogorelov, Nikolai V.; Feng, Xueshang; du Toit Strauss, R., A Numerical Simulation of Cosmic Ray Modulation Near the Heliopause. II. Some Physical Insights, Astrophys. J., 826, 182, 2016.
  29. Luo, X.; Zhang, M.; Potgieter, M. S.; Feng, X.; Pogorelov, N. V., Study cosmic ray modulation near the heliopause: A numerical approach, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1720, 5, 2016
  30. Zhang, Ming, “Stochastic Acceleration of Galactic Cosmic Rays by Compressible Plasma Fluctuations in Supernova Shells”, Astrophys. J., 812, 148, 2015.
  31. Zhang, Ming; Luo, Xi; Pogorelov, Nikolai, “Where is the cosmic-ray modulation boundary of the heliosphere?”, Phys. of Plasma, 22, id.091501, 2015.
  32. Gamayunov, K. V.; Engebretson, M. J.; Zhang, M.; Rassoul, H. K., Source of see fluctuations for electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in Earth's magnetosphere Adv. Space Res.,  55, 2573, 2015.
  33. Pogorelov, N. V.; Borovikov, S. N.; Heerikhuisen, J.; Zhang, M., “The Heliotail”, Astrophys. J. Lett., 812, 6, 2015.
  34. +Luo, Xi; Zhang, Ming; Potgieter, Marius; Feng, Xueshang; Pogorelov, N. V., “A Numerical Simulation of Cosmic-Ray Modulation Near the Heliopause”, Astrophys. J., 808, 82, 2015.
  35. Zhang, Ming; Zuo, Pingbing; Pogorelov, Nikolai, “Heliospheric Influence on the Anisotropy of TeV Cosmic Rays”, Astrophys. J., 790, 5, 2014.
  36. Wang, Y.; Qin, G.; Zhang, M.; Dalla, S., “A Numerical Simulation of Solar Energetic Particle Dropouts during Impulsive Events”, Astrophys. J., 789, 157, 2014.
  37. Zhao, L.-L.; Qin, G.; Zhang, M.; Heber, B., “Modulation of galactic cosmic rays during the unusual solar minimum between cycles 23 and 24”, J. Geophys. Res., 119, 1493, 2014.
  38. Luo, Xi; Zhang, Ming; Feng, Xueshang; Mendoza-Torres, J. E., “Investigation of the transient cosmic ray decreases observed by voyagers in 2007: A numerical approach”, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 7517, 2013.
  39. Zuo, Pingbing; Zhang, Ming; Rassoul, Hamid K., “The Role of Cross-shock Potential on Pickup Ion Shock Acceleration in the Framework of Focused Transport Theory”, Astrophys. J., 776, 93,2013.
  40. Zhang, M.; Lee, M. A., “Stochastic Acceleration of Energetic Particles in the Heliosphere”, Space Science Reviews, 176, 133, 2013.
  41. Gamayunov, K.; Zhang, M.; Pogorelov, N.; Heerikhuisen, J.; Rassoul, H., “Alfvénic turbulence generated by the interstellar pickup protons in the outer heliosphere”, AIPC: Solar Wind 13, 1539, 171, 2013.
  42. Gamayunov, K.; Zhang, M.; Pogorelov, N.; Heerikhuisen, J.; Rassoul, H., “Modeling of the Interstellar Pickup Protons, Alfvénic Turbulence, and Solar Wind in the Outer Heliosphere”, Astrophys. Soc of Pacific AstroNum, 7th, 140, 2013.
  43. Qin, G.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, M.; Dalla, S., “Transport of Solar Energetic Particles Accelerated by ICME Shocks: Reproducing the Reservoir Phenomenon”, Astrophys. J., 766, 74, 2013.
  44. Qin, G.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, M.; Dalla, S., Transport of Solar Energetic Particles Accelerated by ICME Shocks: Reproducing the Reservoir Phenomenon, Astrophys. J., 766, 74, 2013.
  45. Zuo, Pingbing; Zhang, Ming; Rassoul, Hamid K., Acceleration of Low-energy Ions at Parallel Shocks with a Focused Transport Model, Astrophys. J., 767, 6, 2013.
  46. Antecki, T.; Schlickeiser, R.; Zhang, M., “Stochastic Acceleration of Suprathermal Particles under Pressure Balance Conditions”, Astrophys. J., 764, 89, 2013.
  47. Luo, Xi; Zhang, Ming; Rassoul, Hamid K.; Pogorelov, Nikolai V.; Heerikhuisen, Jacob, “Galactic Cosmic-Ray Modulation in a Realistic Global Magnetohydrodynamic Heliosphere”, Astrophys. J., 764, 85, 2013.
  48. Zhang, Ming; Schlickeiser, Reinhard, “A Theory of Bimodal Acceleration of Pickup Ions by Compressive Solar Wind Turbulence under Pressure Balance”, Astrophys. J.,756, 129, 2012.
  49. Gamayunov, Konstantin V.; Zhang, Ming; Pogorelov, Nikolai V.; Heerikhuisen, Jacob; Rassoul, Hamid K., “Self-consistent Model of the Interstellar Pickup Protons, Alfvénic Turbulence, and Core Solar Wind in the Outer Heliosphere”, Astrophys. J., 757, 74, 2012.
  50. Gamayunov, K.; Zhang, M.; Rassoul, H., “Effect of Pitch Angle Scattering on Formation of the Interstellar Boundary Explorer Ribbon in the Outer Heliosheath”, 5th international conference of numerical modeling of space plasma flows (astronum 2010). Proceedings of a 5th international conference held at San Diego, California, USA 13-18 June 2010. Edited by Nikolai V. Pogorelov. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p.153, 2011.
  51. Zuo, Pingbing; Zhang, Ming; Gamayunov, Konstantin; Rassoul, Hamid; Luo, Xi, “Energy Spectrum of Energetic Particles Accelerated by Shock Waves: From Focused Transport to Diffusive Acceleration”, Astrophys. J., 738, 168, 2011.
  52. Zhang, M.; Lee, M. A., “Stochastic Acceleration of Energetic Particles in the Heliosphere”, Space Science Reviews, Online First, doi: 10.1007/s11214-011-9754-3, 2011.
  53. Luo, Xi; Zhang, Ming; Rassoul, Hamid K.; Pogorelov, N. V., “Cosmic-ray Modulation by the Global Merged Interaction Region in the Heliosheath”, Astrophys. J., 730, 13, 2011.
  54. Wang, Y.; Qin, G.; Zhang, M., Effects of Perpendicular Diffusion on Energetic Particles Accelerated by the Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection shock, Astrophys. J., 752, 37, 2012.
  55. Qin, G.; He, H.-Q.; Zhang, M., An Effect of Perpendicular Diffusion on the Anisotropy of Solar Energetic Particles from Unconnected Sources, Astrophys. J., 738, 28, 2011.
  56. He, H.-Q.; Qin, G.; Zhang, M., Propagation of Solar Energetic Particles in Three-dimensional Interplanetary Magnetic Fields: In View of Characteristics of Sources, Astrophys. J., 734, 74, 2011.
  57. Zhang, Ming, , Acceleration of energetic particles by compressive plasma waves of arbitrary scale sizes, Proc. 32ndICRC, SH1-SH2, 244, 2011.
  58. Zhang, M., Acceleration of suprathermal particles by compressional plasma wave trains in the solar wind, J. Geophys. Res., 115, A12102, doi:10.1029/2010JA015723, 2010.
  59. Gamayunov, K.; Zhang, M.; Rassoul, H., “Pitch Angle Scattering in the Outer Heliosheath and Formation of the Interstellar Boundary EXplorer ribbon”, Astrophys. J., 725, 2251-2261, 2010.
  60. Qin, G.; Zhang, M.; Rassoul, H. K. , “Prediction of the shock arrival time with SEP observations”, J. Geophys. Res., Volume 114, Issue A9, CiteID A09104, 2009
  61. Zhang, Ming, Qin, G. & Rassoul, H., “Propagation of solar energetic particles in 3-dimensional heliospheric magnetic fields”, Astrophys. J., 692, 109, 2009
  62. Zhang, Ming, “Propagation of solar energetic particles in realistic 3-dimensional interplanetary magnetic fields”, J. Astron.Soc. Pacific, 406, 53, 2009
  63. Zhang, Ming, “Evidence for perpendicular transport of solar energetic particles in interplanetary magnetic fields”, Proc. 31st ICRC, SH 2.1, 2009
  64. Farahat, A.; Zhang, Ming; Rassoul, H.; Connell, J. J. “Cosmic Ray Transport and Production in the Galaxy: A Stochastic Propagation Simulation Approach”, J., 681, 1334, 2008
  65. Zhang, Ming, “A Stochastic Differential Equation Approach to Cosmic Ray Transport”, Astron.Soc. Pacific, 385, 63, 2008
  66. Zhang, Ming, “Diffusive Compression Acceleration of Energetic Particles with an Application to Shock Acceleration near Injection Energies”, J, 665, 1159-1163, 2007.
  67. Zhang, Ming, G. Qin, H. Rassoul, B. McKibben, C. Lopate, B. Heber, “Ulysses Observations of Jovian Relativistic Electrons in the Interplanetary Space Near Jupiter: Determination of Perpendicular Particle Transport Coefficients and Their Energy Dependence”, Space Sci., 55, 12-20, 2007.
  68. McKibben, R.B., Zhang, B. Heber, H. Kunow, and T.R. Sanderson, “Localized "Jets" of Jovian Electrons Observed during Ulysses' Distant Jupiter Flyby in 2003-2004”, Planet. Space Sci., 55, 21-31, 2007.
  69. Heber, B., M.S. Potgieter, S.E.S. Ferreira, S. Dalla, H. Kunow, R. M¨uller-Mellin, G. Wibberenz, C. Paizis, G. Sarri, R. Marsden, B. McKibben, Zhang, “An overview of Jovian electrons during the distant Ulysses Jupiter flyby”, Planet. Space Sci., 55, 1-11, 2007.
  70. Qin, Gang, Ming Zhang and J. Dwyer, “Effect of adiabatic cooling on the fitted parallel mean free path of solar energetic particles”, Geophys. Res., 111,  A08101, 2006
  71. Zhang, Ming,“The Theory of Energetic Particle Transport in the Magnetosphere: A Noncanonical Approach”, Geophys. Res., 111,  A04208, 2006.
  72. Zhang, Ming, “Acceleration of galactic and anomalous cosmic rays in the heliosheath”, PHYSICS OF THE INNER HELIOSHEATH: Voyager Observations, Theory, and Future Prospects; 5th Annual IGPP International Astrophysics Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 858, 226-232, 2006.
  73. Richardson, J. D.; Wang, C.; Zhang, Ming, “Plasma in the outer heliosphere and the heliosheath”, PHYSICS OF THE INNER HELIOSHEATH: Voyager Observations, Theory, and Future Prospects; 5th Annual IGPP International Astrophysics Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings, 858, 110-115, 2006.
  74. Richardson, J. D.; Stone, E. C.; Cummings, A. C.; Kasper, J. C.; Zhang, Ming; Burlaga, L. F.; Ness, N. F.; Liu, Y., “Correlation between energetic ion enhancements and heliospheric current sheet crossings in the outer heliosphere”, Geophys. Res. Lett, 33, Issue 21, CiteID L21112, 2006.
  75. Zhang, Ming, “The Compton-Getting Effect of Energetic Particles with an Anisotropic Pitch-Angle Distribution: An Application to Voyager 1 Results at ~85 AU”, J., 624, 1038, 2005.
  76. Ball, B; Zhang, Ming; Rassoul, H.; Linde, T., “Galactic Cosmic-Ray Modulation Using a Solar Minimum MHD Heliosphere: A Stochastic Particle Approach”, J., 634, 1116-1125, 2005.
  77. McKibben, R. B.; Anglin, J. D.; Connell, J. J.; Dalla, S.; Heber, B.; Kunow, H.; Lopate, C.; Marsden, R. G.; Sanderson, T. R.; Zhang, M., “Energetic particle observations from the Ulysses COSPIN instruments obtained during the October-November 2003 events”, Geophys. Res., 110, A09S19, 2005.
  78. Zhang, Ming, “The Compton-Getting Effect of Energetic Particles with an Anisotropic Pitch-Angle Distribution”, Space Res, 35, issue 4, 562, 2005.
  79. Qin, G.; Zhang, M.; Dwyer, J. R.; Rassoul, H. K.; Mason, G. M.,“The Model Dependence of Solar Energetic Particle Mean Free Paths under Weak Scattering”, J., 627, 562-566, 2004.
  80. Zhang, Ming, “Energetic Particles at High Latitudes of the Heliosphere”, Physics of the Outer Heliosphere, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 719, V. Florinski, N. V. Pogorelov, and G. P. Zank. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics, p.260-265, 2004.
  81. Qin, G.; Zhang; J. R. Dwyer; H. K. Rassoul, “Interplanetary Transport Mechanisms of Solar Energetic Particles”, Astrophys. J., 609, pp. 1076-1081, 2004.
  82. Zhang, Ming, J.R. Jokipii, and R.B. McKibben, “Perpendicular transport of solar energetic particles in heliospheric magnetic fields”, J., 595, 493, 2003.
  83. Dalla, S., A. Ballogh, S. Krucker, A. Posner, R. Muller-Mellin, J. D. Anglin, M.Y. Hofer, R.G. Marsden, T.R. Sanderson, C. Tranquille, B. Heber, R.B. McKibben, Zhang, “Properties of high heliolatitude solar energetic particle events and constraints on models of acceleration and propagation”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, 8035, 2003
  84. Dalla, S., A. Balogh, S. Krucker, A. Posner, R. M¨uller-Mellin, J.D. Anglin, M.Y. Hofer, R.G. Marsden, T.R. Sanderson, B. Heber, Zhang, and R.B. McKibben, “Onset time analysis of high heliolatitude solar energetic particle events”, Ann. Geophys., 21, 1367 - 1375, 2003
  85. Zhang, Ming, R. B. McKibben, and C. Lopate, R. Jokipii and J. Giacalone, M.-B. Kallenrode, H. K. Rassoul “Ulysses Observations of Solar Energetic Particles From the July 14 of 2000 Event at High Heliographic Latitudes”, , J. Geophys. Res., 108, 1154, 2003.
  86. Dalla, S., A. Balogh_, S. Krucker, A. Posner, R. Müller-Mellin, J.D. Anglin, M.Y. Hofer, R.G. Marsden, T.R. Sanderson, B. Heber, Zhang and R.B.McKibben, “Characterization of SEP events at high heliographic latitudes”, Solar Wind 10, AIP Conference Proceedings, v. 679, 656-659, 2003.
  87. Zhang, Ming, “Modulation of galactic cosmic rays at solar maximum: observations”, Space Res. 32, 603-614, 2003.
  88. McKibben, R. B., C. Lopate, and Ming Zhang, “Modulation Near Solar Maximum at High Solar Latitudes: Observations From the Ulysses Cospin High Energy Telescope”, Space Science Reviews, v. 97, 367-371, 2001.
  89. McKibben, R. B., C. Lopate, and Ming Zhang, “Simultaneous Observations of Solar Energetic Particle Events by imp 8 and the Ulysses Cospin High Energy Telescope at High Solar Latitudes”, Space Science Reviews, v. 97, 257-262, 2001.
  90. Zhang, Ming, “Calculation of Diffusive Shock Acceleration of Charged Particles by Skew Brownian Motion” J., 541, 428, 2000.
  91. Heber, B., T. Sanderson and Ming Zhang, “Corotating Interaction Regions: Observations” Space Res., 23:(3), 567-579, 1999.
  92. Zhang, Ming “A Path Integral Approach to the Theory of Heliospheric Modulation of Cosmic Rays” J.,  510, 715-725,  1999
  93. Zhang, Ming, “A Markov Stochastic Process Theory of Cosmic Ray Modulation” J., 513, 409-420,  1999.
  94. Zhang, Ming, J. A. Simpson, H. Kunow, J. R. Jokipii, M. S. Potgieter, R. Burger and A. C. Cummings, “Implications of 26-day Variations for the Global Modulation” in Cosmic Rays in the Heliosphere, Ed. Fisk et al., pp. 203-207, 1998.
  95. Zhang, Ming, J. A. Simpson, J. Kota “Organizing Phenomena for Recurrent Modulation”, in Cosmic Rays in the Heliosphere, Ed. Fisk et al., pp. 230-235, 1998.
  96. Zhang, Ming, “A Linear Relationship Between the Latitude Gradients and 26-day Recurrent Variation in the Fluxes of Cosmic Rays and Anomalous Nuclear Components, I: Observations" J., 488, 841, 1997.
  97. Simpson, J. A., J. J. Connell, C. Lopate, R. B. McKibben, Ming Zhang, “The Latitude Gradients of Galactic Cosmic Ray and Anomalous Helium Fluxes Measured on Ulysses from the Sun's South Polar Region to the Equator” Res. Lett., 22, 3337, 1995.
  98. McKibben, R. B., J. J. Connell, C. Lopate, J. A. Simpson, and Ming Zhang, “Observations of Galactic Cosmic Rays and Anomalous Helium During Ulysses Passage From the South to the North Solar Pole”, & Astrophys,  316, 547, 1996.
  99. Simpson, J. A., Ming Zhang and S. Bame, “A Solar Polar North-South Asymmetry for Cosmic Ray Propagation in the Heliosphere: the Ulysses Pole-to-Pole Rapid Transit” J. Lett., 465, L69, 1996.
  100. Zhang,Ming, R. B. McKibben, J. A. Simpson, et al., “Impulsive Bursts of Energetic Particles in the High-latitude Duskside Magnetosphere of Jupiter”, Geophys. Res., 100, 19,497, 1995.
  101. Simpson, J. A., J. D. Anglin, V. Bothmer, J. J. Connell, P. Ferrando, B. Heber, H. Kunow, C. Lopate, R. G. Marsden, R. B. McKibben, R. Muller-Mellin, C. Paizis, C. Rastoin, A. Raviart, T. R. Sanderson, H. Sierke, K. J. Trattner, K. P. Wenzel, G. Wibberenz, and Ming Zhang, “Cosmic Ray and Solar Particle Investigations Over the South Polar Regions of the Sun” Science, 268, 1019, 1995.
  102. McKibben, R. B., J. J. Connell, C. Lopate, J. A. Simpson, Ming Zhang, “Cosmic Ray Modulation in the 3-D Heliosphere”, Space Sci. Rev., 72(1/2), 367, 1994.
  103. McKibben, R. B., J. A. Simpson, Ming Zhang, “Ulysses Out-of-Ecliptic Observations of “27-day” Variations in High-Energy Cosmic Ray Intensity”, Space Sci. Rev., 72(1/2), 403, 1994.
  104. Zhang, Ming, J. A. Simpson, R. B. McKibben, “Relativistic Electron Flux Anisotropies in the Dusk-side Jovian Magnetosphere: A test for Source Location and Escape Mechanism”, Space Sci., 41, 1029, 1993.
  105. McKibben, B., J. A. Simpson, Ming Zhang, “Impulsive Bursts of Relativistic Electrons Discovered during Ulysses Traversal of Jupiter's Dusk-side Magnetosphere”, Planet. Space Sci., 41, 1041, 1993.
  106. Simpson, J. A., D. A. Smith, Ming Zhang, A. Balogh, “Jovian Electron Propagation in Three Dimensions of the Heliosphere: the Ulysses Investigation”, Geophys. Res., 98,  21,129 , 1993.
  107. Zhang, Ming, J.W. Belcher and R.L. McNutt, Jr. “Plasma Observation Near Neptune: Results From Voyager-2”, , Space Res., 12,   No. 11,  (11)37, 1992.
  108. Simpson, J. A., J. D. Anglin, A. Balogh, J. R. Burrows, S. W. H. Cowley, P. Ferrando, B. Heber, R. J. Hynds, H. Kunow, R. G. Marsden, R. B. McKibben, R. Mueller-Mellin, D. E. Page, A. Raviart, T. R. Sanderson, Keith Staines, K.-P. Wenzel, Margaret D. Wilson, Ming Zhang, “Energetic Charged Particle Phenomena in the Jovian Magnetosphere: First Results from the Ulysses COSPIN Investigation”,  Science  257,  1534, 1992.
  109. Zhang, Ming, W. Belcher, J.D. Richardson and C.W. Smith, “Alfven Waves and Associated Energetic Protons Downstream of Uranus”, J. Geophys. Res. 96, 1647, 1991.
  110. Zhang, Ming, J.W. Belcher, J. D. Richardson, V.M. Vasyliunas, R.P. Lepping, N.F. Ness and C.W. Smith, “Low-Frequency Waves in the Solar Wind Near Neptune”, Res. Lett. 18, 1071, 1991.
  111. Zhang, Ming, J.D. Richardson, E.C. Sittler, Jr. “Voyager-2 Electron Observations in the Magnetosphere of Neptune”, , Geophys. Res. 96, 19,085, 1991.
  112. Richardson, J. D., J.W. Belcher, Ming Zhang, R. L. McNutt, Jr., “Low-Energy Ions Near Neptune”, Geophys. Res. 96, 18,993, 1991.
  113. Richardson, J. D., Ming Zhang, J. W. Belcher, G. L. Siscoe, “Plasma Fluctuations in the Magnetosheath Downstream From Uranus”, Geophys. Res., 95, 6431, 1990.
  114. Zhang, Ming, V. M. Vasyliunas, G.L. Siscoe, R.P. Lepping and N.F. Ness, “Evidence for a Diurnally Rocking Plasma Mantle at Neptune”, Res. Lett. 17, 2285, 1990.
  115. Belcher, J. W., S. Bridge, F. Banegal, B. Coppi, O. Divers, A. Eviatar, G. S. Gordon, Jr, A. J. Lazarus, R. L. McNutt, Jr, K. W. Ogilvie, J. D. Richardson, G. L. Siscoe, E. C. Sittler, Jr, J. T. Steinberg, J. D. Sullivan, A. Szabo, L. Villanueva, V. M. Vasyliunas, Ming Zhang, “Plasma Observations Near Neptune: Initial Results From Voyager 2”,  Science, 246, 1478-1481, 1989.
  116. Richardson, J. D., J. W. Belcher, R. S. Selesnick , Ming Zhang, G. L. Siscoe, and A. Eviatar, “Evidence for Periodic Reconnection at Uranus?” Res. Lett., 15, 733-736, 1988.

Recognition & Awards

Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society

F. L. Scarf Award (AGU)

NASA Awards for team achievement during Voyager 2 encounter with Neptune

NASA Award for successful Ulysses flyby of Jupiter

ESA Award for team achievements in 15 years of Ulysses in space

K. C. Wong Education Foundation Fellowship, Hong Kong


Study solar energetic particle transport and its application to space weather

Explore the solar wind termination shock and heliosheath using in-situ Voyager particle observations

Explore the heliospheric boundary region using energetic neutral atom images taken by IBEX mission.

Investigate cosmic ray in the heliosphere and interstellar medium.

Study the structure of the heliosphere in 3 dimensions using Ulysses observations.

Develop theories for particle transport and acceleration in various space environments.

Research & Project Interests

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