Keuper Building on a sunny day.

Academic Affairs Committee (AAC)

Committee Charge

The Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) is responsible for reviewing and recommending to the Provost the creation of new and modification of existing academic process, procedures, and policy.  This committee serves as hub for the creation of new and modification of existing academic process, procedures, and policy to ensure faculty input and review, and ensuring consistency among university academic matters and compliance with academic policy requirements.

Specifically, this committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Provost regarding:

  • The establishment or revision of current academic processes or procedures
  • The need for new or modification of existing policy, specifically, the committee coordinates discussion around academic policy issues that need to be addressed and recommends that a new policy is created or that existing policy is modified to address the specific issue(s) or components and to include needed criteria.

Additionally, this committee provides consultation to the Provost’s Office as requested on academic matters and facilitates the discussion of key academic issues among appropriate groups on campus.

Committee Membership

The membership of the AAC is comprised of representatives from the university’s colleges and key academic administrative areas. Faculty members are nominated by their respective Dean to the Provost for a committee service term of one year, renewable for a second year.  Nominated faculty members must be full-time faculty members in the college.  Faculty may serve for up to two consecutive years.  After two consecutive years the Dean must nominate a new faculty member.  A faculty member is able to be re-nominated for service on the committee following a one-year hiatus.

AY2023-2024 Voting Members:

College of Aeronautics (COA)

Nathan M. Bisk College of Business (COB)

College of Engineering and Science (COES)

College of Psychology and Liberal Arts (COPLA)


Enrollment Management

Office of the Registrar

AY2023-2024 Non-Voting, Ex-Officio Members:

AAC Chair:

Ex-Officio Members:

Committee Calendar

The Academic Affairs Committee meets bi-monthly all calendar year.  Members are expected to be available throughout the year to regularly attend meetings. 

  AY2023-2024 AAC Meeting Calendar

Meeting Schedule

Agenda Items Due

Friday, September 15, 2023, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM

Friday, September 8, 2023

Friday, October 13, 2023, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM  Friday, October 6, 2023
Friday, November 10, 2023, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM Friday, November 3, 2023

Friday, January 12, 2024, 11:00 AM-12:30 PM

Friday, January 5, 2024

Friday, February 9, 2024, 10:00-11:00 AM

Friday, February 2, 2024

Friday, March 8, 2024  Friday, March 1, 2024
Friday, April 12, 2024   Friday, April 5, 2024

Committee Guests & Open Meetings

The Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) may regularly invite faculty and other guests who are subject matter experts in the topic being discussed to provide context and answer questions from the committee members.

AAC meetings are open to all Florida Tech faculty, administrators, and staff. Non-committee members in attendance can contribute to the discussion and provide questions, comments, and other information for the committee to consider as part of their deliberations.  After the open discussion, the committee deliberates and votes. Guests may not disrupt final committee deliberation and voting. 

Non-committee members are welcome to bring forward prospective items for the committee’s consideration.  Those items should be submitted in advance to the chair or brought up at the end of the meeting as other business and will be considered for a future agenda.

Meeting agenda, supporting documents, minutes, and recordings of committee meetings will be made available to the Florida Tech community on the AAC webpage.

Delayed Voting Mode

The Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) meets bi-monthly all calendar year.  The first meeting is designated for the committee to review and discuss items on the agenda.  Voting occurs only at the final meeting of the month. This gives committee members the opportunity to continue the discussion with their college, department, or program(s) and bring additional feedback and insight before final. The chair will provide time for final discussion and deliberation before the official vote.

AAC voting members are expected to be available throughout the year to regularly attend meetings.

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