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Richard J. Addante

Associate Professor | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts - School of Psychology

Affiliate Faculty | Biomedical Engineering and Science

Contact Information

Personal Overview

Dr. Addante earned a BA in Psychology from The College of New Jersey and a PhD in Neuroscience at UC Davis as a Diversity Fellow of the American Psychological Association, then completed a Post-doctoral Fellowship in Neuroimaging with University of Texas at Dallas with UT-Southwestern Medical School, and is a 3-time winner of an LRP Award from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and an LRP Fellow from the National Institute of Health.  Additional advanced coursework has included specialized courses at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; he is a Reviewer for many of top journals in the field, on the Editorial Board of Neuroimage and is an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Psychology: Neuropsychology, and a Fellow of the Psychonomics Society. Research work has focused on human memory, brain states, and metacognition, as well as studies of operational teams in isolated, confined, and extreme (ICE) environments analogs for space travel. He is the only psychologist to crew NASA’s largest psychology study for space travel (called the Human Exploration Research Analog, HERA Mission XIV), and has been a Principal Investigator of NASA studies investigating astronaut cognition (NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations, NEEMO). The overarching goal of these projects is to contribute to our understanding of humans in long duration space flight for success in exploration-class missions at the lunar surface and Mars.

Current Courses

Graduate Courses:

  1. Biological Foundations of Behavior
  2. Graduate Research Supervision

Undergraduate Courses:

  1. Physiological Psychology
  2. Learning & Motivation
  3. Undergraduate Research Supervision
  4. Memory
  5. Cognition
  6. Research Methods & Statistics I
  7. Psychology Seminar
  8. Psycholoy Honors Seminar
  9. Psychology Honorors Thesis

Selected Publications

Addante, R.J., Clise, E*, Waechter, W., Bengson, J., Drane, D., and Perez Caban, J.. (2024). A third process of episodic memory: Context familiarity is distinct from item familiarity and recollection. Biorxiv, peer-reviewed preprint doi:

Addante, R. J., Lopez-Calderon, J., Allen, N., Luck, C., Muller, A., Sirianni, L., Inman, C. S., & Drane, D. L. (2023). An ERP measure of non-conscious memory reveals dissociable implicit processes in human recognition using an open-source automated analytic pipeline. Psychophysiology, 1-24, 

Addante R, Yousif M, Valencia R, Greenwood C and Marino R (2021) Boosting Brain Waves Improves Memory. Front. Young Minds. 9:605677. doi: 10.3389/frym.2021.605677 Open access full-text:

Ozubko, J. D., Sirianni, L. A., Ahmad, F. N., MacLeod, C. M., & Addante, R. J. (2021). Recallable but not Recognizable: The Influence of Semantic Priming in Recall Paradigms. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience 

Muller, A., Sirianni, L. A., & Addante, R. J. (2021). Neural correlates of the Dunning–Kruger effect. European Journal of Neuroscience 

Addante, Muller, & Sirianni. (2020). Recollection is more than retrieving context or source memory: evidence from ERPs of recognition and source memory combinations. bioRxiv. doi: 

Roberts, B. M., Clarke, A., Addante, R. J., & Ranganath, C. (2018). Entrainment enhances theta oscillations and improves episodic memory. Cognitive Neuroscience, 9(3-4), 181-193.

Leynes, P. A., & Addante, R. J. (2016). Neurophysiological evidence that perceptions of fluency produce mere exposure effects. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 16(4), 754-767. 

Addante. (2015). A critical role of the human hippocampus in an electrophysiological measure of implicit memory. NeuroImage, 109, 515-528. 

Addante, R. J., de Chastelaine, M., & Rugg, M. D. (2015). Pre-stimulus neural activity predicts successful encoding of inter-item associations. NeuroImage, 105(0), 21-31. doi: 

Addante, R. J., Ranganath, C., Olichney, J., & Yonelinas, A. P. (2012). Neurophysiological evidence for a recollection impairment in amnesia patients that leaves familiarity intact. NeuropsychologiaSpecial Issue, 50(13), 3004-3014.  

Addante, R. J., Ranganath, C., & Yonelinas, A. P. (2012). Examining ERP correlates of recognition memory: evidence of accurate source recognition without recollection. NeuroImage, 62(1), 439-450. 

Addante, R. J., Watrous, A. J., Yonelinas, A. P., Ekstrom, A. D., & Ranganath, C. (2011). Prestimulus theta activity predicts correct source memory retrieval. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(26), 10702-10707.  

Recognition & Awards

  • Florida Tech Northrup Grumman Senior Design Showcase, Best in Show, Honors College
  • NIH LRP Award, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 3x
  • Young Alumnus Award, University of California, Davis 
  • Aerospace Education Officer of the Year, US Air Force Auxilliary (CAP), California Wing
  • Outstanding Faculty Research Mentor Award, California State University
  • National Research Service Award, National Institute of Mental Health 
  • Pre-doctoral Fellow, American Psychological Association Diversity Program
  • Michael S. Gazzaniga Best Trainee Award, UC Davis Center for Mind and Brain
  • John Wandishin Award, The College of New Jersey 
  • Marshall P. Smith Award, The College of New Jersey  


Research in our lab investigates the cognitive neuroscience of human memory, brain states for improving performance, and metacognition. Studies have explored why memory is impaired in amnesia deficits of clinical neuropsychological patients, discovered brain states that predict successful memory prior to memory occurring, and then drew upon this knowledge to improve memory performance with interventions such as audio-visual entrainment. We use various methodologies, including electroencephalogram (EEG) oscillations, event-related potentials (ERPs), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), audio-visual entrainment, and mobile brain imaging techniques we have taken to operational settings of in-flight cognition of pilots in general aviation. We also study social cognitive neuroscience phenomena, such as the Mere Exposure Effect (2016), the Revelation Effect, and discovered the first neural correlated of the Dunning-Kruger Effect in metacognitive self-awareness. Research from the lab has made key discoveries of non-conscious memory effects related to the hippocampus, and also characterized the fundamental nature of episodic memory processes of recollection, familiarity, recall, and context.  Lab students have gone on to fully-funded PhD programs at Johns Hopkins, UC Davis, University of Arizona, UC Riverside, UC San Diego, employment in NASA research laboratories, selection as crew for NASA Missions for long duration space flight, and received federal funding from NIH pre-doctoral awards for under-represented minorities in STEM. 

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