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Charles Bostater

Associate Professor | College of Engineering and Science - Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences

Contact Information

Personal Overview

Dr. Bostater’s research concerns mathematical and numerical modeling of chemical transport, fate of chemicals, remote sensing, hydrological optics, radiative transfer modeling, geophysical fluid dynamics and estuarine and coastal physical oceanography.

Field work has been conducted along the Atlantic coast of the United States, Caribbean Sea coral reefs and associated waters. Optical signatures of water and plants are analyzed at Florida Tech for determining optimal bands for remote sensing for coupled optical-biological-physical models. The research is valuable for assessing economically important aspects of aquatic systems identifying potential pollutants and coastal vegetation remote sensing.

Educational Background

Ph.D. University of Delaware, Applied Ocean Sciences

Post Doc, University of Delaware, Center for Remote Sensing

US Department of State & Canada, J. William Fulbright Distinguished Scholar in Airborne Sensing, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, 2007-2008

BS, MS, American University, Washington D.C.

Professional Experience

Director, Center for Remote Sensing and Marine Environmental Optics Laboratory, Florida Institute of Technology

Dr. Bostater has been a member of the Remote Sensing Subcommittee and the Modeling and Monitoring Subcommittees of the state and federal EPA Research and Restoration Program for Chesapeake Bay. He served as the Principal Investigator for the EPA Chesapeake Bay Program Intensive Watershed Studies for the Patuxent and Chever River Estuaries that totaled over 1.5 millions dollars.

He has served as Symposium Chair, Co-Chair and Conference Chair of  the European SPIE remote sensing conferences and symposiums, and ISOPE ocean and polar engineering conferences and symposium. Dr. Bostater creates analytical models and utilizes numerical techniques for modeling coupling optical-biological and physical oceanography and atmospheric models.

He has developed unique analytical mathematical solutions for use in hydrological optics as well as 3-D Monte Carlo models of radiative transfer in environmental media and used in the optimal design of sensor system instrumentation. His research focus involves hyperspectral optical models and instrumentation. He has developed hyperspectral image fusion techniques for use in multiresolution remote sensing data obtained from airborne and space based platforms. He has designed, integrated, calibrated and tested a state of the art hyperspectral imaging pushbroom camera system and pen-tablet software for use from airborne and fixed platforms.

He is the named inventor on four US and international patents concerning instrumention - sondes and probes used for measuring backscattered electromagnetic radiation. He has designed and utilized a new underwater optical camera system to measure flocs and colloidal aggregates in shallow water bodies. He has pioneered the use of passive sondes for use in measuring the aquatic bottom boundary layer.

Dr. Bostater has taught and continues to teach graduate and undergraduate courses in:  Mathematical Modeling of Environmental Systems, OCN3401 Physical Oceanography, OCN4404/5404 Dynamic Physical Oceanography, ENS5010 Environmental Optics and Remote Sensing, ENS4009 Environmental Satellites, Systems and Data, Ocean Remote Sensing, ENS4700 Environmental Hydrology, ENS5700 Water Resources Management, ENS5700/ENS5205 Hazardous & Toxic Chemical Effects & Transport Modeling, OCN5409 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, and ENS4010 Geographical Information Systems. Has has also taught Intro. to Water Quality and Water Quality Lab.

Dr Bostater was elected Fellow of SPIE in 2019 and is a member of SPIE (International Society for Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers). He has authored over 80 publications in the SPIE Digital Press. He is the co-editor and reviewer of over 20 SPIE Proceedings. The books are available from SPIE Digital Press. Dr. Bostater was nominated as an SPIE Fellow for his achievements in hyperspectral remote sensing instrumentation and radiative transfer modeling for coastal, ocean and estuarine applications. (See Dr. Bostater's online SPIE Profile at Prior to election to Fellow status he was an SPIE senior member from 2011-2018.

Dr. Bostater was elected to the IEEE Senior Member grade on August 13, 2022 for his significant documented achievements of significance and extensive experience in contributions to the profession related to Geoscience Remote Sensing, Photonics and related Earth System Science and related Information Technology.

He received NASA 's Certificate of Recognition and Award, 1999, for Design of a Shallow Water Optical Water Quality Buoy. The project description was published in NASA tech Briefs.

Professional Society Current Memberships:

Elected SPIE Fellow, 2019, International Association for Optics & Photonics; International Society of Ocean and Polar Engineering (ISOPE), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); American Geophysical Union (AGU); Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE); American Ceramics Society (ACS); American Shore & Beach Protection Association (ASBPA);  (SPIE) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.

Search Google Scholar and Research Gate for more Information or see my online SPIE Profile.

Dr. Bostater has been the major advisor of 5 successful Ph.D. students in physical oceanography and remote sensing. He is currently the advisor of  one doctoral student. He has been the advisor of 19 successful master degree students and is the currently advising 2 master's degree students with topics in earth remote sensing and physical oceanography.

Dr. Bostater is the named inventor on 5 international patents: US, British, Canadian, Hong Kong and IPC Patent App. The patents involve the development of non-contact sensing technology, instrumentation or sondes.

Dr. Bostater has maintained distinguished continuing funding including:

  • Florida Institute of Oceanography, Florida Institute of Technology PI, Airborne, Satellite and 4D Remote Sensing in Support of BP 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Alliance for Research & Restoration, $334K, 2010-2012; Co-PI on 4D Remote Sensing Project 750K funded by BP (Mitch Roffer Co-PI at FIT).
  • US Department of Education, Atlantis STARS (Sensing Technologies And Robotics Systems), Program, Funds for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education, (FIPSE), $440 K, 2006-Present, PI, Project Director and US Lead, International EU-US Dual Degree undergraduate and graduate degrees for EE, CS and “Earth Remote Sensing” degree majors from Florida Institute of Technology, BME, Budapest, and the Royal Military Academy, Brussels, Belgium.
  • NASA Kennedy Space Center, 2010, Continuation of Airborne Remote Sensing in Support of Ecological Programs as NASA Kennedy Space Center, $20,000.
  • NASA Stennis, Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Protocol Development, $880 K, 2002-2005. Funding From NASA Stennis Space Center, FIT, Dynamac Corp. Co-PI; St. Johns River Water Management District as PI, $440K to FIT as Co-PI
  • US Department of Education, Funds for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education, (FIPSE), $85 K, 2004-2006, PI and Project Director and US Lead Partner; Associated with 5 other US and International Universities and Co-PI’s.
  • Northrop Grumman Corporation, 2001-2003, 34K, Radiative Transfer Modeling & Development of a Motion Control System for Pulsed Laser & Streak Tube Camera Imaging System, Project Leader & Co-PI, (FIT Total Grant amount: 170K).
  • US Department of State, 2003-2004, $5K, Concept development of a Robotic Imaging & Electromagnetic Detection system for detecting Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) in Lake Balaton, Faculty Exchange.
  • Link Foundation, $50K, 2002-2003, Realistic Synthetic Image Generation Using a Monte Carlo and Radiative Transfer Model for Water Surface Simulation.
  • DOE, Innovative Hyperspectral Algorithm Development, Testing and Application For The Remote Surveillance of Plant Canopy Water Stress and Other Dysfunctions, 1998, $43,000, Co-PI $10,000.
  • NASA, Office of Advanced Projects, 1995-1999, Development & Testing of A Water Quality Buoy for Optically Shallow Waters, $250,000.
  • US EPA, Office Exploratory Research, Peer Review Proposal Panel, Chemistry & Physics of Water 1996, $3,000.
  • Bionetics Corp., 1992-1995, $50,000, Remote Sensing Data Collection and Spectral Signatures.
  • Dynamac Corporation, 1996, Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Analysis, Data Collection and Modeling to Support Kennedy Space Center Environmental Programs, $30,000,
  • Maryland Energy Office, Innovative Energy Program, 1989-1990, Real Time Optical Monitoring of Process Waters for Energy Conservation, $26,000.
  • NOAA, NESDIS, 1987-90, Remote Sensing Requirements & Algorithms for Estuaries, $50,000.
  • NOAA, NESDIS, 1989-1990, High Resolution Spectrometer Systems From Aircraft: Assessing Important Living Resources Areas In Chesapeake Bay, Co-PI $21,000.
  • NASA, $65,000, 1995-1997, Solid State High-Resolution Spectrographs & Calibration Equipment
  • NOAA, National Ocean Service, Strategic Assessments, 1988-90, Remote Sensing Zones of Coastal Impacts, $70,000.
  • US EPA, Office of Research & Development, Chesapeake Bay Program, Patuxent and Chester River Estuaries, Intensive Watershed Studies, 1980-1983, $700,000.
  • US EPA, Office of Research & Development, Maryland Chesapeake Bay Management Grant, $750,000.
  • Florida Inland Waters Navigation District, 2015, $69,000.
  • Florida State DEP, 2015-18, $255,000.
  • Florida Dept. of Transportation, Development of High Speed Imaging of Highway Pile Soil Rebound, Co-PI, $245,000.

Selected Publications

Closson, J., Bostater, C., 2021, (Invited Paper), On the use of suborbital drone imaging and in-situ calibrations of the water surface for characterization of water waves: a space-time imaging approach, SPIE Vol. 11857, 14 pp.,

Rotikiske, T., Bostater, C., 2021, Advancements to Monte-Carlo modeling of the underwater light field using synthetic water surface slopes and synthetic bottom reflectance signatures, SPIE Vol., 11857, 12 pp.,

Taggart, A., Bostater, C., 2021, A WorldView-3 multispectral glint correction methodology and relation to hyperspectral signatures in Space Coast Florida waters, SPIE Vol. 11857, 9 pp.,

Bostater, C., Neyt, X., 2021, (editors), Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, Coastal Waters and Large Water Regions 2021, (c) SPIE ISBN:9781510645585,

Bostater, C., Neyt, X., Viallefont-Robinet, F., (eds)., 2020, Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, Coastal Waters, and Large Water Regions 2020, SPIE Vol. 11529, ISBN: 9781510638716, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), Bellingham, WA.,

 Cosentino, P., Bostater, C., Franqui, A., Rogulski III, R., Jensen, M.,2020, Quantifying Pile Rebound with Deflection Measuring Systems Best Suited for Florida Soils, Florida Department of Transportation Research Center, Tallahassee, FL., Project BDV 28977-07, 655 pp. (peer reviewed report).

 Maglio, C., Weaver, R., Trefry, J., Bostater, C., Shenker, J., Johnson, K., Trulock, S., Ousley, J.,  Cotter, P., DeMarco, P., Trocine, R., Fox, A., Fox, S., 2020, Environmental benefits realized during navigation maintenance dredging: A Case Study in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, Journal of Dredging, Paper JD-2020-04 (accepted August 20208), 8 pp.

 Bostater, C., Neyt, X., Viallefont-Robinet, F., (eds.), 2019, Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, Coastal Waters, and Large Water Regions 2019, SPIE.Vol. 11150, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham WA., ISBN: 9781510630031,

 Bostater, C., Closson, J., Yang, B., Rotkiske, T., 2019, Optical & Acoustic Boundary Layer Wave Measurements & Modeling in Shallow Coastal Waters, Proceedings of ISOPE, ISBN 978-1 880653 85-2, pp. 3181-3188.

 Bostater, C., Closson, J., 2019, Remote Sensing of Water Surface Small Gravity Wave Characteristics Using Fixed Platform & Drone Imagery, SPIE Vol. 11150, pp. 111500D1-17,

Bostater, C., Aziz, S., 2019, Water Wave Glint Corrections, Water Depth, Light Attenuation and World View-3 Remote Algorithms for Indian River Lagoon, SPIE Vol. 11150, pp. 111500A1-12,

Bostater, C.,  Mertikas, S., Neyt, X. (editors), Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, Coastal Waters, and Large Water Regions,  Volume 10784, Published by SPIE, Digital Press, Bellingham WA., doi: 10.1117/12.2517149 (2018). 

Bostater, C., Yang, B., Rotkiske, T., Video Measurements and Analysis of Surface Gravity Waves In Shallow Water, Chapter 7, In: Surface Waves - New trends and Developments, InTech Publishers, ISBN 978--78923-062-8, pp. 127-143 (2018).

Bostater, C., Multiresolution Earth Remote Sensing Approach (Invited Paper), Proc. SPIE 10784, pp. 107840V1-14 (2018).

Bostater, C., Rotkiske, T., Oney, T., Marine Boundary Layer Sediment Flux Measurements of Fluidized Mud and Muck Using Vertical and Horizontal Sonde Arrays, Proceedings ISOPE, pp. 1374-1378, (2018).

Bostater, C., Hyperspectral In-Situ Attenuation Depths and Their Relation to Satellite Imagery in Two Southeastern US Estuaries, SPIE Vol. 10784, pp. 107840E1-11 (2018).

Rotkiske, T., Bostater, C., Influence of Bottom Depths and Bottom Types on Water Surface Reflectance, SPIE Vol. 10784, pp. 107840B1-11 (2018).

Bostater, C., Moving Muck & Fluidized Mud & Tributary Bedload Measurements at Dredge Sites, Indian River Lagoon Research Institute, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne Florida, October 18, 31 pp., (2018).

Bostater, C., Pepino, R., Roland, J.,  Monitoring, Analysis, and Control of Toxic and Hazardous Materials in the Chesapeake Bay, American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM), Committee E-35, In: Special Publication 707, Aquatic Toxicology, pp. 142-154 (1980).

Bostater, C., Ambrose, B., Bell, B., Modeling the Fate and Transport of Chemicals in Esuaries: Current Approaches and Future Needs, American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM), Committee E-35, In: Special Publication 737, Aquatic Toxicology, pp. 72-90 (1981).

Bostater, C. and R. Santoleir (editors), Remote Sensing of the Ocean and Sea Ice 2000. Proc. SPIE 4172, 210 pp. (2000)

Bostater, C., et al, Comparing a hyperspectral Monte-Carlo approach for simulating water surface reflectance signature based upon radiative transfer theory: Simulating clear water and Caribbean Sea bottom types. SPIE 4172(33): 199-208 (2000).

Bostater, C., et al, Numerical simulation of the marine boundary layer flow over Cape Canaveral and Gulf Stream using AVHRR SST: An atmospheric sea breeze model. SPIE 4172(34): 181-190 (2000).

Bostater, C., Specific Absorption and Backscatter Coefficient Signatures in Southeastern Atlantic Coastal Waters.
SPIE 3496: 196-200 (1998).

Bostater, C., Imaging Derivative Spectroscopy for Vegetation Dysfunction Assessments. SPIE 3499: 277-285 (1998).

Bostater, C., et al., Modeling Water Surface Reflectance Signatures and In-water Irradiance Profiles in Shallow Tropical Waters Influenced by Bottom Reflectance. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Suntec City, Singapore. IEEE, no. 0-7803-3836, p. 881-884 (1997).

Bostater, C., Rotkiske, T., Fluid Mud Sondes & Acoustic Imaging Methods for Coastal Dredging, Proceedings ISOPE, pp. 1561-1567 (2016).

Bostater, C., Rotkiske, T., Moving Fluid Mud Sondes, Optical and Acoustic Methods in Support of Coastal Waterway Dredging, SPIE Vol. 9638, pp 96380f1-17 (2015).

Maglio, C., Weaver, R., Trefry, J., Bostater, C., et al., Environmental Benefits Realized During Navigation Maintenance Dredging: A Case Study in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, In: Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Dredging Congress, WODCON XXI, 8 pp. (2016).

Bostater, C., A New Multispectral Imaging Instrument for In-Situ Characterization of Flocs and Colloidal Aggregates in Natural Waters, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 98620, pp. 98620K1-10 (2016).

 Rotkiske, T., Bostater, C., GIS Mapping of Fluid Mud Transport Pre, During, and Post Dredging Agitation, buy Using Engineered Novel Instrumentation, Proceedings ISOPE, pp. 1542-1546 (2006).

Bostater, C., Moving Muck & Fluidized Mud & Tributary Bedload Measurements at Dredge Sites, Indian River Lagoon Research Institute, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne Florida, October 18, 31 pp., (2018)

Bostater, C., Yang, B., Shallow Water Surface Gravity Wave Imaging, Spectra, and Their Use in Shallow Water Dredging Operations, Proc SPIE, Vol. 9240, pp. 9240K19 (2014)

Bostater, C., Rotkiske, T., Oney, T., Hyperspectral Reflectance Signature Protocol For Predicting Subsurface Bottom Reflectance in Water: In-Situ and Analytical Methods, Proc SPIE, Vol. 9999, pp. 99990N1-12 (2017)

Bostater, C., Yang, B., Shallow Water Surface Gravity Wave Imaging, Spectra and Their Use in Shallow Water Dredging Operations, Proc SPIE, Vol. 9240, pp. 92400K1-14 (2014)


Mathematical and computer modeling of the fate and transport of chemicals in estuaries

Remote sensing of water reflectance using aircraft and shipboard high-resolution optical signatures for detecting suspended sediments and chlorophyll-a in coastal waters

Development and testing of a shallow-water optical buoy for water quality and real-time hyperspectral monitoring of water and waste water

Derivative Spectroscopy for Coastal Vegetation Dysfunctions Assessments

Shallow Water Remote Sensing and Detection

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