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Marius Silaghi

Professor | College of Engineering and Science - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Contact Information
(321) 674-7493
Harris Center For Science and Engineering, 207

Personal Overview

Interested in intelligent decision making and corresponding P2P technology to support direct democracy (, cryptology, robotics, probabilistic models, networking, automatic speech-recognition, virtual reality, distributed constraint reasoning, numerical constraints, operating system drivers.

Leading the Human Decision Systems Support Lab.

Area Editor for the IEEE Computational Intelligence Bulletin. You are welcome to send me articles or proposals for articles.


Educational Background

Ph.D. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) 2002

Language and Speech Engineering Swiss Federal Institute of Technology 2001

Mobility Visit for Diploma in Engineering Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-Zurich 1997

Diploma in Computers Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania 1997

Professional Experience

Professor, Department of Computer Engineering and Sciences, Florida Tech (2020-present)

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Sciences and Cybersecurity, Florida Tech (2014-2020)

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Sciences, Florida Tech (2002-2014)

1998-2002 Research and Teaching Assistant, Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne

Research and Teaching Assistant, Laboratory of Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne (1998)

Research Scientist, Scientific Computing, Technische Universitaet-Braunschweig, Germany (1997)

Area Editor for the IEEE Computational Intelligence Bulletin,

Associate Editor for Web Intelligence and Agent Systems
Organized tutorials on distributed constraint reasoning at IJCAI 2003, AAMAS 2005, IAT 2007
Program committee member or organizer for IAT, FLAIRS, AAMAS, DCR, IACSP, AAAI, PAS, CP.

Reviewer for ECAI, CP, IAT, AAMAS, RFIA, ERCIM, SAC, AI Journal, Constraints Journal, JAIR Journal, Parallel and Distributed Systems and Networks Journal

Additional Duties

Visiting Professor, University of Klagenfurt, Austria, 2005

Sabatical Visit, IDIAP Martigny, Switzerland, 2010

Current Courses

Cryptology (CSE 5673)

Cryptography and Information Hiding (CYB 5678)

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (CSE 5694)

Network Programming (CSE 5232/4232)

Networking Concepts (CSE 5231/3231)

Database Systems (CSE 5260)


Older Courses:

Cryptographic Multiparty Protocols (CSE 5810)

Operating Systems Concepts (CSE 4001)

Algorithms and Data Structures (CSE 2010)

Analysis of Algorithms (CSE 5211/4081)

Artificial Intelligence (CSE 5290)

Peer to Peer Protocols (CSE 5800)

Web Programming (CSE 5234/4234)

Graphical User Interfaces (CSE 5281/4257)

Speech Recognition Programming (CSE 4303)

Speech Recognition (CSE 5400)

Selected Publications

Marius Silaghi, Song Qin, William Cheung, ''Open Peer-Review Experiment in the Decentralized Coordination Workshop''; IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin, Vol. 13, Nr. 1, 2013.

Toshihiro Matsui, Marius Silaghi, Katsutoshi Hirayama, Makoto Yokoo and Hiroshi Matsuo; Distributed Search Methods for Quantified Distributed Constraint Optimization Problem; Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence; Vol 28; pp 43-56; 2013

Marius C. Silaghi, Makoto Yokoo, ADOPT-ing: Unifying Asynchronous Distributed Optimization with Asynchronous Backtracking, in Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (JAAMAS), vol 19, nb. 2, pp. 89-123, November 2008.

Silaghi, M. C. and Faltings, B., Asynchronous aggregation and consistency in distributed constraint satisfaction, Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 2006.

Selected Conference Publications

Khalid Alhamed, Marius C. Silaghi, ''User Freedom: To Be or not to be supernode'', P2P 2014.

Song Qin, Marius C. Silaghi, Ihsan Hussien, Makoto Yokoo, Toshihiro Matsui, Katsutoshi Hirayama, "Open Census for Addressing False Identity Attacks in Agent-based Decentralized Social Networks", in AAMAS, Paris, France, 2014

Osamah Dhannoon, Rahul Vishen, Marius Silaghi, ''Content Dissemination Over VANET: Boosting Utility Based Heuristics Using Interests'' IEEE 2013 International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo", ICCVE 2013

Marius Silaghi, Khalid Alhamed, Osamah Dhannoon, Song Qin, Rahul Vishen, Ryan Knowles, Ihsan Hussien, Yi Yang, Toshihiro Matsui, Makoto Yokoo, Katsutoshi Hirayama, "DirectDemocracyP2P", P2P 2013

Khalid Alhamed, Marius Silaghi, Ihsan Hussien, Ryan Stansifer, and Yi Yang, '''Stacking the Deck Attack on Software Updates': Solution by Distributed Recommendation of Testers'', Intelligent Agent Technology, IAT, Atlanta 2013

Toshihiro Matsui, Marius Silaghi, Katsutoshi Hirayama, Makoto Yokoo, Hiroshi Matsuo, ''Embedding Preference Ordering for Single-phase Self-stabilizing DCOP Solvers'', PRIMA 2013

Venkatesh Ramamoorthy, Marius C. Silaghi, Toshihiro Matsui, Katsutoshi Hirayama, and Makoto Yokoo, ''The design of cryptographic S-Boxes using CSPs'', in Proceedings of the International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, pp 54-68, Perugia, Italy, 2011, (Best Application Paper Award)

Matthew J. Peterson, Marius C. Silaghi, Makoto Yokoo; ''Game Theoretical Modeling and Studies of Peer-Reviewing Methods'', International Symposium on Peer Reviewing, Vol I, pp 267-272, Orlando, 2009

"A Distributed Generative CSP Framework for Multi-Site Product Configuration", M. Zanker, D. Jannach, Marius Silaghi, G. Friedrich, September 10, 2008 Cooperative Information Agents (CIA 2008)

Prashant Doshi, Toshihiro Matsui, Marius Silaghi, Makoto Yokoo, Markus Zanker; "Distributed Private Constraint Optimization", Proceedings of IAT 2008

Silaghi, M. C., Bourlard, H., Iterative posterior-based keyword spotting without filler models, IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding ASRU'99 Proc. On CD, Keystone, December 1999

Silaghi, M. C., Bourlard, H., A new keyword spotting approach based on iterative dynamic programming, ICASSP, Istanbul, Turkey, III-1831-1834 2000.

Silaghi, M. C., Plaenkers, R., Boulic, R., Fua, P., Thalmann, D. Local and Global Skeleton Fitting Techniques for Optical Motion Capture, CAPTECH, Geneva, 1998

Boulic, R., Fua, P., Herda, L., Silaghi, M., Monzani, J.S., Nedel, L., Thalmann, D. An Anatomic Human Body For Motion Capture, EMMSEC, September 1998.

Ronan, B., Silaghi, M. C., Thalmann, D. Visualization of Local Movements, AMDO, September 2000

Silaghi, M. C., Sam-Haroud, D., Faltings B. Asynchronous Aggregation Search, IJCAI, Austin, August 2000

Silaghi, M. C., Sam-Haroud, D., Faltings B. Maintaining Consistency in ABT, CP, Paphos, December 2001

Silaghi, M. and Faltings, B. Privacy for DisCSP-based Modeling in Multi- Agent Planning, AAAI'2002 MAP W15 Workshop, Edmonton Canada, July, 2002

Silaghi, M., Haroud, D. and Faltings, B. ABT with Asynchronous Reordering, 1st Int. 2nd A-P. Conf. on Intelligent Agent Technology IAT-2001, Maebashi, Japan, October, 2001, pp. 54-63.

A.Rozenknop, M.Silaghi. Algorithme de decodage de treillis selon le critere de cout moyen pour la reconnaissance de la parole, TALN'01, July, 2001, pp. 391-396.

X.-H.Vu, D.Haroud, M.Silaghi. Approximation Techniques for Non-linear Problems with Continuum of Solutions, International Symposium on Abstractions and Reformulation (SARA), Edmonton, Canada, 2002.

M.Silaghi, D.Haroud, R.Weigel, X.-H. Vu, B.Faltings. epsilon_1epsilon_2-Phi- Consistency, EPFL-TR #2001/368, July 2001.
Silaghi,M., Sabau, S., Haroud, D. and Faltings,B. Asynchronous Search for Numeric DisCSPs, 7th Int. Conf. on Principles and Practice of CP-2001, Paphos, Cyprus, November, 2001, pp. 785.

Silaghi,M., Haroud, D. and Faltings, B. Asynchronous Secure Search, 1st Int. 2nd A-P. Conf. on Intelligent Agent Technology IAT-2001, Maebashi, Japan, October, 2001, pp. 400-404.


Best Paper Awards at IAT 2007 and at CIA 2008.

Best Application Paper Award at CP 2011.

Research & Project Interests (technology for supporting direct democracy)

Robotics, Cryptology, Constraints,
Internet Protocols, E-Commerce,
Speech Recognition, System Drivers

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