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Certification Verified Courses (4th Edition)

What courses are offered?

Each course uses a highly structured, time-tested curriculum and tests developed by Dr. Martinez-Diaz. The curriculum thoroughly covers all of the items on the BACB® Fourth Edition Task List and entails 15 to 20 hours of coursework per week. Each term is three months in length, and most courses must be taken one at a time; all courses should be taken in sequential order.

For a breakdown of the tasks covered in each of the courses, please see the content grid linked below.

The course sequence below is verified by ABAI and meets the Fourth Edition Task List© instructional requirements for eligibility to sit for the Behavior Analyst Certification Board® exam.

BEHP5011: Foundations, Concepts and Principles of Behavior Analysis (3 credits)

This graduate-level 45-hour course covers concepts, principles and processes derived from the experimental analysis of behavior and how they relate to applied behavior analysis. The present course covers foundational knowledge tasks from the fourth edition of the BACB’s behavior analyst task list (BACB, 2010).

BEHP5012: Basic Elements of Applied Behavior Analysis (3 credits)

This graduate-level 45-hour course covers philosophical foundations of behavior analysis, definitions and characteristics of applied behavior analysis (ABA), behavioral assessment, measurement of behavior, data display and interpretation and experimental design. The course also introduces the experimental evaluation of interventions.

BEHP5013: Developing, Strengthening and Maintaining Behavior (3 credits)

This graduate-level 45-hour course covers procedures for developing, strengthening and maintaining behavior. Also covered within these areas are the topics of assessment, behavior change systems and supervision. The present course covers the tasks from the following content areas: client-centered responsibilities: I (assessment), J (intervention), K (implementation, management and supervision); basic behavior analytic skills: C (behavior change considerations), D (fundamental elements of behavior change), F (behavior change systems) and E of the fourth edition of the BACB’s behavior analyst task list (BACB, 2010).

BEHP5014B: Introduction to Ethical and Professional Conduct of Behavior Analysts (1 credit)

This graduate-level 15-hour course introduces ethical and professional considerations relevant to the professional practice of applied behavior analysis as well as ethical and disciplinary standards of the profession. Although not exhaustive, the present course introduces the BACB Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts. Emphasis will be placed upon ethical and professional conduct and legal issues relevant to both BCaBA- and BCBA-level practitioners.

BEHP5015: Decreasing, Eliminating and Replacing Problem Behavior (2 credits)

This graduate-level 30-hour course covers functional assessment (descriptive assessment and functional analysis) and function-based intervention procedures for addressing problem behavior. Emphasis is placed upon building alternative behavioral repertoires. Behavior change considerations discussed include unwanted side effects of various intervention strategies. The present course covers tasks from content areas: I (assessment), J (intervention), D (fundamental elements of behavior change), E (specific behavior change procedures) and C (behavior change considerations) from the fourth edition of the BACB’s behavior analyst task list (BACB, 2010).

BEHP5016B: Ethical and Professional Conduct of Behavior Analysts (2 credits)

This graduate-level 30-hour course expands upon ethical and professional issues introduced in BEHP5014B. Emphasis will be placed upon ethical, professional and conduct issues relevant to BCBA-level practitioners and supervisors. The present course covers topics from the BACB Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts.

BEHP5017A: Targeted Topics in Behavior Analysis (1 credit)

This graduate-level 15-hour course covers special topics in all content areas of behavior analysis, as needed for independent behavior analysis practitioners. Topics will vary but may include, introduction to supervision in behavior analysis, introduction to organizational behavior management and courses on other areas of behavior analysis. The present course covers tasks from various content areas from the fourth edition of the BACB’s behavior analyst task list (BACB, 2010).

BEHP5018: Advanced Topics in Behavior Analysis (3 credits)

This graduate-level 45-hour course covers advanced topics in several content areas of behavior analysis for independent behavior analysis practitioners. The present course covers various tasks from content areas A (measurement), H (measurement), B (experimental design), C (behavior change considerations), F (behavior change systems), and K (implementation, management and supervision) from the fourth edition of the BACB’s behavior analyst task list (BACB, 2010).

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