
Civil Engineering Advisory Committees (CEAC)

The Civil Engineering Advisory Committee (CEAC) will provide advice on matters related to student performance, co-op programs, scholarships, laboratory improvements, faculty development, curriculum changes, and meeting the goals and outcomes of the Civil Engineering Department.

CEAC Goals 

In order to be consistent with the Committee's mission statement, the following shall represent the goals of the Civil Engineering Advisory Committee as an organization:

  • ADVISE the Civil Engineering Department and students in order to continuously advance education and research opportunities at Florida Institute of Technology.
  • ASSIST the Civil Engineering Department in planning programs that are consistent with its needs and goals, while providing the civil engineering community (i.e. consultants, educational and research institutions, governmental agencies, and industry) with a quality educational and research institution and quality engineering graduates.
  • PROMOTE interaction between the Civil Engineering Department, consultants, governmental agencies, and industry in order to continually improve the educational program at Florida Institute of Technology.
  • ENABLE the faculty of the Civil Engineering Department to provide students with an educational balance between the theoretical and practical aspects of civil engineering.


More than fifteen consulting companies and organizations are members of the CEAC.

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