Message from the president: "I’m pleased to report that the university has weathered Hurricane Milton with our trademark teamwork and perseverance. A preliminary assessment of campus shows only minor damage and everyone safe." Read the president's entire message.


Class Schedules

Class schedules open in a new window. Use the schedule key below as a resource to make sure you are selecting the courses for which you intend to register. 

Please note that Florida Tech reserves the right to add or change, without notice, any information pertaining to class offerings, requirements, locations and fees published in these schedules. Students are accountable for all information contained in these schedules and will only receive credit for courses in which they are officially registered.

Class Schedule Key

This schedule key defines the information found in the list of courses open for registration this term and will help you choose the correct course when you register.


Letter/number combination identifies the specific section of the course, on which campus it is offered, and whether or not it is offered online:

  • 0–30: Daytime course
  • E: Evening course

Online course section codes:

  • W: Melbourne campus course
  • I:  Education Center course
  • BL:  Blended course
  • HY: Hybrid course

Class Meeting Days

A sequence of any of the following letters means the class meets on multiple days: MWF means Monday, Wednesday and Friday; TR means Tuesday and Thursday.

  • M: Monday
  • T: Tuesday
  • W: Wednesday
  • R: Thursday
  • F: Friday
  • S: Saturday
  • U: Sunday


Class meeting time is expressed using a 24 hour clock or "military time."

  • 0800-0850 means "from 8 a.m. until 8:50 a.m."
  • 1400–1450 means "from 2 p.m. until 2:50 p.m."


The following building name codes are used to communicate the location of the class being offered.

Building CodeBuilding Name
ANCH Evinrude Marine Operations Center (Anchorage)
118RBT Robert's Hall
119EVH Evans Hall
255RNT Music House
267RNT Music Program Studios
402QAD Quadrangle Classrooms
403QAD Quadrangle Classrooms
405QAD Dan Dahle Building
410GLE Gleason Performing Arts Center
420CRF Crawford Building
424LNK Link Building
427FRU Frueauff Building
428EVL Evans Library Pavilion
439SHP Shephard Building
460SKU Skurla Hall (Aeronautics Building)
500OLS F.W. Olin Life Sciences Building
501OEC F.W. Olin Engineering Complex
502OPS F.W. Olin Physical Sciences Center
504LSA L3Harris Center for Science and Engineering
510CLE Clemente Center
512UNP University Plaza at Florida Tech
538LAB Aerospace Laboratories and Machine Shop
540MIL Military Sciences/Facilities Operations/Shipping Building
545AUT The Scott Center for Autism Treatment
547WAV Surf Mechanics Lab
610CTR All Faiths Center
710FTC L3Harris Commons
910CAI Center for Aeronautics & Innovation
927BBO Nathan M. Bisk College of Business / Babcock Oaks
994BLR Emil Buehler Center for Aviation Training

Course Prefixes

These short, three-letter codes tell you what academic area the course falls into.

College of Aeronautics

AHF Aviation Human Factors
AVF Aviation Flight
AVM Aviation Management
AVS Aviation Science
AVT Aviation Technology

College of Business


BUS Business
EAC Accounting (requires enrollment in Florida Tech Online) 
EBA Business Administration (requires enrollment in Florida Tech Online)
EEC Economics (requires enrollment in Florida Tech Online)
EHC Healthcare Management (requires enrollment in Florida Tech Online)
EHR Human Resources Management (requires enrollment in Florida Tech Online)
ELA Law (requires enrollment in Florida Tech Online)
EMG Management (requires enrollment in Florida Tech Online) 
EMK Marketing (requires enrollment in Florida Tech Online) 
EST Statistics (requires enrollment in Florida Tech Online)
MGT Management

College of Engineering and Science

AEE Aerospace Engineering
BCM Biochemistry
BIO Biology
BME Biomedical Engineering
CHE Chemical Engineering
CHM Chemistry
CIS Computer Information Systems
CON Construction Management
CSE Computer Science
CVE Civil Engineering
CYB Cybersecurity
ECE Electrical and Computer Engineering
EDS Education
EGN Intro to Engineering
ENM Engineering Management
ENS Environmental Science
EPE Engineering Protrack Cooperative Education
FTE Flight Test Engineering
HCD Human-Centered Design
ISC Interdisciplinary Science
MAR Marine Biology
MEE Mechanical Engineering
MET Meteorology
MTH Mathematical Science
OCE Ocean Engineering
OCN Oceanography
ORP Operations Research
PED Physical Education
PHY Physics
SPC Space Systems
SPS Space Science
SUS Sustainability
SWE Software Engineering
SYS Systems Engineering

College of Psychology and Liberal Arts

ASC Academic Support Center
BEH Behavior Analysis
COM Communication
CRM Criminal Justice (requires enrollment in Florida Tech Online)
CWE Cooperative Education
ESL English as a Second Language
FYE First-Year Experience
HSC Homeland Security (requires enrollment in Florida Tech Online)
HUM Humanities
LIB Liberal Studies
LNG Languages and Linguistics
MSC Military Science
MUS Music
PSF Forensic Psychology
PSY Psychology
SOC Sociology
WRI Writing
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