Security Building
Safety Alerts

Florida Tech uses a system called RAVE to deliver safety and emergency alert notifications university wide.

The Department of Security uses RAVE to communicate with the Florida Tech community directly via phone, text message and email.

University Email Alerts

Every student and employee with a university-provided email account will receive safety alerts in their inbox. No action is needed to receive these alerts as all emails are added automatically. 

RAVE delivers the messages via official, internal distribution lists ("employeedist" and "studentdist"). This ensures that all students and employees will receive emergency alerts via university email. Individuals may not opt-out of communications sent to these distribution lists.

Manage your Alerts:

Non-University Email, Text, and Phone.

Students, Faculty and Staff are encouraged to use this Link to add additional email addresses, phone numbers (text, voice messages), and to manage your preferences. Signing up within RAVE allows you to receive safety and Security alerts via:

  • Non-University Email
  • Text Message
  • Phone (recorded voice message)


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