Syllabi Policy
Applies to: | Original Policy Date: | Date of Last Review: | Approved by: |
All faculty | January 1, 2021 | January 31, 2022 | Dr. Marco Carvalho Executive Vice President and Provost |
Policy Owner: Office of the Provost
Policy Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to ensure a consistent academic experience for students by requiring all courses to have a syllabus and a consistent access point to it.
Policy Scope
This policy applies to all levels, locations, and modalities of Florida Tech credit-bearing courses.
Policy Statement
For each Florida Tech course, the instructor must select a textbook and/or identify other required materials and prepare a syllabus. The syllabus is to be made available by the first day of the course and posted in the syllabus tab of Canvas. During the course, the instructor should cover all the material listed in the syllabus and use the selected textbook or other required materials.
The syllabus must contain:
- Course code(s) (subject + number) and applicable section code(s) if multiple sections of the course(s) are scheduled, course name and semester
- Meeting days and times, if applicable
- Meeting location(s), including physical and virtual spaces, e.g. “Zoom”
- Instructor’s name, office location/virtual availability, Florida Tech e-mail address, office phone number if available, and office hours
- Textbook(s), including title, author(s), and edition (if applicable) and/or other required materials
- Any training the student is required to complete
- A minimum of three learning objectives for the course
- A week-by-week list of subject matter to be covered in the course
- Assignment schedule with explanation of any term papers, projects, or other requirements
- Instructor grading policies, including at minimum submission policies, methods by which students will be evaluated and their grade determined (including late work)
- Instructor’s attendance policy for the course (including make-up exams and late work)
- All required information listed in the guideline on syllabi policies, statements, and disclosures.
If the instructor cannot meet the requirements of this policy, expected deviations should be reported to the academic unit head/program chair at least two weeks before the beginning of the term for approval.
A syllabus template and the guideline on syllabi policies, statements, and disclosures is available for faculty use on the Provost’s website.
Each instructional faculty member is responsible for preparing their syllabus in accordance with this policy and ensuring its availability in Canvas. For the purpose of this policy, a faculty member is the instructor of record for the course regardless of whether a faculty appointment is held.
Academic unit/program chairs are responsible for approving any necessary deviations from this policy.
Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action by the College Dean or Office of the Provost.