Student Catalog Year
Applies to: | Original Policy Date: | Date of Last Review: | Approved By: |
Students | May 2022 | May 2022 |
Dr. Marco Carvalho, |
Policy Owner: Office of the Registrar
Policy Purpose
As the official source of information about the university's academic programs, the Florida Tech catalog documents program requirements specific to each academic year. Program requirements may change from one catalog year to the next. This policy outlines how the student's program catalog year is determined and how it may be changed.
Policy Scope
This policy applies to all degree-seeking and certificate-seeking students.
Policy Statement
The university catalog documents the set of academic requirements that must be fulfilled to complete a certificate or to graduate from a degree-granting program. Students complete a program under the catalog year that is in effect at the time they are admitted unless they change to a later catalog year. Students may change to a catalog later than their original catalog year with approval from their advisor, department head, program chair or dean.
Following a change of major, the degree requirements in the new major may be based on the student's original catalog year, the catalog in effect at the time of the change of major, or on a catalog between those two, subject to the approval of the academic unit head.
If a student is readmitted to the university under the readmission policy, the catalog that is effective at the time of readmission applies.
Students pursuing minors, dual degrees or double majors must utilize the same catalog year for all academic programs. However, certificate programs may be under different catalog years.
The university will make every reasonable effort to honor the curriculum requirements appropriate to each student's catalog year. However, courses and programs may be discontinued, and requirements may change as a result of curricular reviews or actions by accrediting bodies and other agencies. In those events, a student's advisor will work directly with the student to develop a program plan that seeks to avoid extending the student's time to degree or certificate completion.
Change of catalog year requests are submitted to the Registrar's graduation office ( by the student's advisor, department head, program chair or dean.
Catalog Year is the academic year of the academic catalog for which a degree candidate must meet documented graduation requirements or for which a certificate-seeking student must meet documented program completion requirements.
Compliance Reference
SACS-C0C Standards 9.7 and 10.3
Those who approve a change of catalog year in accordance with this policy are responsible for contacting the Registrar's graduation office to request the change.
The Registrar's graduation office is responsible for completing the student's change of catalog year in the student information system when the request is received from the approver.