Message from the president: "I’m pleased to report that the university has weathered Hurricane Milton with our trademark teamwork and perseverance. A preliminary assessment of campus shows only minor damage and everyone safe." Read the president's entire message.

Holzer Health Center

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Testing

Confidential Testing, Counseling and Treatment Available


Please make an appointment to see one of our providers for a confidential consultation to discuss testing options. Testing may or may not be covered by insurance.  Please check with your insurance and provider prior to testing to understand out-of-pocket costs that may occur.

HPV vaccine:

Gardisil 9 is available at the Health Center. Insurance generally covers this vaccine  for all men and women age 9-45.  Please verify your individual insurance coverage.


Free HIV/ Hepatitis C Testing available at Holzer Health Center provided by Project Response on
2nd Monday of every month from 12PM-2PM and
4th Tuesday of the month from 3PM - 5PM
Results in 15 minutes, Single pinprick (fingerstick), No chart necessary, Completely confidential.

Free confidential HIV Testing also available Monday-Friday 8 am to 4 pm at Project Response located at 378 N. Babcock St, Melbourne, FL. This test uses a fingerprick blood sample and gives results in 15 minutes! Questions? Call them at 724-1177.

Get the facts about STDs

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