Security Building
Parking And Traffic Regulations

Statement of Purpose

Oversight of parking at Florida Tech is the responsibility of the Department of Security.  This includes parking administration, decal issuance, and enforcement of the myriad of regulations designed to control the limited parking facilities available, as well as to eliminate dangers to the university community.

Due to the ever-increasing flow of traffic at all university locations, our mission requires diligence in traffic enforcement and your cooperation and adherence to regulations contained herein.

Primarily, these regulations are designed for the safety of the Florida Tech community.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

The President of Florida Tech has delegated absolute authority to ensure enforcement of all rules and regulations to the Director of Security.

Rules are subject to change at any time and said changes will be broadcast to the university community in advance in order to properly prepare the university community of planned changes.


Each person using a vehicle on campus must know and abide by the rules and regulations stated herein.

Florida Tech appreciates the cooperation and courtesy shown to one another by students, staff, administration, faculty, and guests who observe the established rules and regulations.

Rules and regulations have been put into effect to control the use of limited parking facilities and to eliminate inconveniences and dangers to members of the community. These rules are subject to change upon notification.

Because of an ever-increasing flow of traffic through the campus, individuals are requested to cooperate by keeping the use of motor vehicles on campus to an absolute minimum.

Vehicle registration is essential if the Department of Security is to assist in cases of theft, fire, vandalism, accidents, and in the control of traffic on campus. The Department of Security may be unable to assist in such cases, if a vehicle is not registered.

Florida Tech assumes no responsibility for vehicles parked or operated on university property, nor for articles left in them. The risk remains fully with the operator and/or the owner of the motor vehicle.

Vehicles seen on campus and not bearing a Florida Tech parking decal will be ticketed and checked with the State Department of Motor Vehicles to ascertain ownership.

It should be understood that from time to time blocks of parking spaces will be reserved for special events.

Automobiles, motorcycles, motor scooters, mopeds, and other motorized vehicles to be used on university property including, but not limited to, university parking facilities, must be registered with the university's Department of Security.

The following are NOT permitted on campus by Faculty, Staff, Students, or Visitors.

  • Personal Golf Carts
  • Motorized Skateboards / Self-Balancing Skateboards
  • Go Carts
  • Any unlicensed motor (electric/gas) vehicles
  • Segways

Exceptions may be granted by the Director of Security.

Florida Tech does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, height, weight, physical or mental ability.

These regulations are in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.


Qualifying members of the university community holding valid operator's licenses are privileged to use properly registered motor vehicles (bearing valid state registration) on Florida Tech's property. These privileges can be revoked by the Director of Security for cause.

Your signature on the permit application or check box on the online registration system signifies your understanding and compliance with the rules and policies on campus.

Visitors / Guests

All guests of Florida Tech who are visiting campus for any period of time must report to the Security Welcome Center, 3126 Panther Place, where they will be issued a temporary visitor ID and free parking pass. The visitor ID must be displayed on the guest's person at all times. This protocol does not apply to guests of the Office of Admissions, which has its own safe process for welcoming visitors.

Visitor passes for periods of time exceeding two calendar weeks will be required to purchase a parking decal. These (temporary) passes may be obtained 24/7/365 at the Department of Security.

Thank you and stay safe!

Student parking in any visitor/guest space, as well as in Lot 1, is strictly prohibited at all times.

Trolley System Rules and Regulations

Anyone wishing to ride the Florida Tech Trolley must obey the following regulations:

  • No open containers of food or beverage.
  • No animals.
  • No alcoholic beverages.
  • No smoking, vaping or tobacco products.
  • Remain seated or hold on to provided hand straps and railings while the trolley is in motion.
  • Only use approved trolley stops.
  • No jumping on or off the trolley at undesignated stops.
  • Do not obstruct the driver's vision or otherwise disrupt the safe operation of the trolley.
  • No "horseplay."
  • No throwing objects from the trolley.
  • Only enter the trolley through designated stair wells.
  • No hitching a ride by holding on to the trolley while on a skateboard, bicycle, skates, or other wheeled conveyance.

Violations of any of the above regulations will result in a $50.00 fine per offense as well as possible disciplinary actions.

View a map of trolley routes and stops.

Registration of Vehicles

Parking decals are color coded to facilitate parking administration. Signs are posted at the entrance of all parking areas denoting the decal color assigned to park in that lot. Decals remain the property of Florida Tech and may be removed from any vehicle by a Security Officer.

  1. All students, faculty and staff must have a valid identification number, issued by the university, prior to registration.
  2. All vehicles must be registered within 1 week of the start of each semester.
  3. If, for any reason, one must operate a vehicle that is not registered with Florida Tech, contact the Department of Security to obtain a temporary parking permit.  Students and employees not adhering to this policy will be subject to a fine of $25 for each day the vehicle is not registered and possible disciplinary actions by the university Disciplinary Committee for repeated violations.
  4. All employees and students must obtain and properly display a current decal.
  5. All students and employees using a car, regardless of ownership, must register the car if it is to be parked or operated on Florida Tech property.
  6. Vehicles with temporary license tags must also be registered using the temporary license number. Upon receipt of a permanent registration, you must report the number of the license plate to the Department of Security.
  7. All persons driving, or who wish to drive, vehicles anywhere on university property, must show appropriate identification (to include student/faculty/staff identification), if so requested by any member of the university's Department of Security. Failure to adhere to this policy is a violation of the university Disciplinary Code.
  8. Students may register only one vehicle and one motorcycle; faculty and staff may register multiple vehicles.
  9. All student instructors, i.e. GSA's or TA's must obtain a Student Decal.

Custom Parking

For your convenience custom parking spots are available.

Reserved Pass

This pass assigns one specific space to its owner. The space will be marked with a number that corresponds with the decal number. This spot is solely this person’s and will be enforced as such. Reserved parking signs may take up to 2-3 weeks to be installed. Until the sign is installed, the parking space will be available to other vehicles. 

STUDENTS: Student Reserved Parking will be enforcement between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday from August 1st through May 31st annually.

Student owners of reserved passes may park in their space or at any other white designated parking lots.

EMPLOYEES: All employee reserved passes will be valid annually from September through August. Valid for 24 hours/ 7 days per week.

Employee owners of reserved passes may park in their space or at any other parking lots, except Lot 1.

Should anyone, other than the owner, park in this space, they will be ticketed and towed. However, if the employee (only) owner lends THEIR space out to someone, the Department of Security must be notified ahead of time. (This notification must include the vehicle make, model, license number and spot number) This is the responsibility of the parking spot owner and failure to notify the office that the spot is being “lent” will be cause for a (NON-refundable) ticket to be issued or the vehicle being booted or towed and the violator responsible for the expense.

Reserved Parking Pass.………………………………………………………………………………$840

(All fees are NON-refundable)

Decal Owner Responsibility

Upon vehicle registration, registrant will receive a parking decal that must be displayed so that the entire decal is CLEARLY visible from 4ft. away on the REAR of your vehicle.  The motorcycle decal may be placed on the front fork or rear fender of a motorcycle, moped, or scooter.

It is the responsibility of the registrant to remove the decal and to notify the Department of Security if and when the vehicle is sold or no longer in use. Otherwise, fines will continue to be charged to the former owner (registrant).

If any vehicle is found on campus in violation of any provision of these regulations, the person in whose name the vehicle is registered (in campus or state records) shall be responsible for the violations even if it is driven by another person.

Any transfer of ownership such as purchase, sale, or exchange of vehicle that bears a Florida Tech parking decal must be reported promptly to the Department of Security.  Both the parking decal and license plate must be removed prior to relinquishing the vehicle.  The pieces of the remaining decal must be brought to the Cashier's Office in order to receive a replacement decal for a $20 charge.

Traffic Regulations

Traffic rules, regulations and directive signs governing the use of motor vehicles are in effect 24 hours a day7 days a week.

Pedestrians have the right of way to vehicles only in pedestrian crosswalks.  Bicycles and skateboards must yield right of way to pedestrians in all cases including areas not designated by crosswalks.

The campus speed limit is 10mph.  Vehicle speed may be enforced by RADAR.

Unnecessary noise from horns, mufflers, stereos or any other noise-making device is always strictly prohibited on campus, and a violation may result in a fine.

Driving around a barricade, tearing down, altering, defacing or removing any traffic control device is prohibited and subject to possible arrest and fine.

All Florida traffic laws are applicable even though not specifically mentioned herein.

Motorcycles, mopeds, and motor scooters under power are only allowed to operate on roadways designated for MV travel; they are not to be operated or parked on sidewalks.

All vehicles, bicycles, skateboards, etc. shall come to a complete stop at all stop signs and may only continue when their movement can be made safely.

Motor vehicles shall never be taken into any residence hall or any other university building.

If any vehicle is found on campus in violation of any provision of these regulations, both the current driver and the person in whose name the vehicle is registered (in campus or state records) shall be held responsible for the violation. 

Parking Regulations

No student vehicles are allowed to park in the Main Entrance Parking Area (Lot 1) at any time.

Vehicles must be parked only in spaces specifically marked for parking and within the painted lines. In unlined lots, vehicles must be parked at right angles to curbs and clear of obvious traffic aisles that allow access to and within the lot. If in doubt—do not park.

Parking is prohibited along any roadways, fire lanes, or service lanes.

Off campus students, faculty, and staff may park on campus for classes and other university events, however, the university is not designed for long term parking.  Therefore, off campus students, faculty, and staff are limited to parking vehicles on campus for no more than 24 hours at a time.

Vehicles may not be left on campus during summer semester unless the driver is registered for summer courses or otherwise employed by the university.

Temporary Summer Car Storage -Temporary storage of vehicles during the owner’s absence from campus must be registered at the Security Department. Registration forms can be found on the Forms and Documents page.

Parking on property adjacent to campus is prohibited.

Any vehicle parking in a handicap space must have a valid state handicap placard or license plate visibly displayed.

All vehicles must be parked nose in. (Front of vehicle forward in parking space. The vehicle CANNOT be backed into parking space).

Sunrise Center – No Student Parking Unless Patronizing Businesses. A 1 Hour Maximum Time Limit Will Apply.

All employees and students parking in the Panther Plaza lot must have a valid parking decal.

Mobile Station; Parking In The Mobile Station By Faculty, Staff Or Students Is Prohibited, Except For Patronizing The Station. A 15 Minute Time Limit Will Apply. Violators may be towed at the owner’s expense.

Double parking occupied or unoccupied vehicles is always prohibited.

Parking on grass, sidewalks, crosswalks, loading zones or on the streets (except where specifically marked for parking) is prohibited.

When utilizing loading zones for load/unload only, four-way flashers (hazard lights) must be activated. Time limits apply.

No vehicles are permitted in the residence hall, quadrangle courtyard or on grass areas adjacent to the residence halls.

Students, faculty, and staff will NOT park vehicles in "Visitor/Guest Spaces" or "Reserved Spaces" at any time.

No one shall touch, cause a motor vehicle to be moved from its parking spot without the permission of its owner or tip over a two-wheeled motor vehicle for any reason.

Parking lot codes may change due to usage.  You are responsible for being cognizant of all sign changes.

Any changes made to decals, policies, etc., are advertised via the university e-mail system.  You are responsible for checking this e-mail and for being aware of all posted Security notices.

Motorcycles / Mopeds / Scooters

 Motorcycles, motorbikes, mopeds, and motorized scooters are defined as motor vehicles for the purposes of these regulations.  Due to their flammable nature, none of these vehicles or any other gas engine vehicle is permitted inside a residence hall or school building.  Any vehicle found indoors will be removed at the owner's expense.

Motorcycle parking is limited to areas designated across campus as MC parking only (view listing of MC lots).

Motor scooters, mopeds, motorcycles, or other motorized two-wheeled vehicles must be parked only in special racks, motorcycle pads, or areas designated for motorcycles.  Motor scooters, mopeds, motorcycles, or other motorized two-wheeled vehicles shall not utilize parking spaces reserved for four-wheeled vehicles or sidewalks.  

Motorcycle Parking Areas

Designated by either a sign or spaces that are too small for vehicles.

Parking LotAvailable Motorcycle Parking

Lot 6

North End

Lot 10

Northwest & Southwest Ends

Lot 13

Northeast End

Lot 15

Southeast End

Lot 16

Southeast Corner

Lot 17

Middle Isle, South, East, & West Ends

Lot 17

West Isle & Southeast Corner

Lot 19

Southwest Corner

Lot 22

North End of Bldg. B & South End of Bldg. C

Lot 23

East End of Bldg. L & K and Northwest End of Bldg. M

Lot 24

Various Corners Marked with Motorcycle Signage

Lot 26

Northwest Front Corner


Replacement Decals (without turning old decal in) Full Purchase Price
Replacement Decals (with turning old decal in) $20
Tag Tracing $10
Appeals (amount will be added to the fine if appeal is denied) $10

Ticketable Violations


Skateboard & MMTD's* Violation

Motorcycle in Motor Vehicle Space $40
No Valid Decal/ Improperly Displayed (Not an Appealable Offense) $75
Failure to Head Motor Vehicle (Backed in)
No Parking Zone $75
Post to BOOT/TOW $75
Parked in a Staff/Faculty Lot or Space $25
Reserved Area $75
Obstructing/ Impeding Traffic $75
Parking on Grass/ Sidewalk (Not an Appealable Offense) $75
Outside Parking Lines $25
Exceeding Loading Zone Time Limit $75
Parking on Grass/Walkway (Not an Appealable Offense) $75
Stop Sign Violation / Failure to Yield $50
Expired Registration / Failure to Register  $50
Removal of Ticket from Vehicle (Other than one's own vehicle) $50
Failure to Immediately Report Traffic Accident $50
All Other Violations  $50
Failure to Obey Traffic Sign $50
Wrong Way $75
Excessive Speeding / Reckless Driving $100
Fire Lane/ Handicapped Space $100
President's Parking Lot 1 $100
Causing an Accident $100
Causing Damage by Driving on Grass $100
Littering $50
Failure to Obey Officer's Direction $50
Reserved Space $100 + Boot/Tow
Fraudulent Decal $100 + Boot/Tow
Driving Under the Influence $200
Hit and Run $200
Immobilization and Towing Fines All Related Fines


*MMTD's = Motorized Micromobility Transportation Device

Payment of Fines

Staff and faculty members who receive a citation will be allowed three (3) business days from the issue date on the citation to pay the fine. If it is not paid within this period of time or no appeal is filed, the fine amount will be deducted from their payroll check.

Students who receive citations will have the fine amount charged to their student account, if not appealed within three (3) business days.  All outstanding fines must be paid prior to reg­istering for the next academic semester. Graduating students must pay all outstanding fines prior to graduation.

Payment of fines may be made at the Cashier's Office , located in L3 Harris Commons, by cash, check, or credit card during the following times:

Monday-Friday          8:30am-4:30pm        

Please make all checks payable to Florida Institute of Technology.  If you are mailing a check payment, please include your name, ID number, and citation. 

Continual or flagrant disregard of university traffic regulations may result in disciplin­ary action, revocation of parking privileges, towing of vehicle, or all of the above.

Immobilization and Towing

The Department of Security utilizes both immobilization devices (more commonly known as "boots") and towing to aid with the enforcement of university parking policies.  Any vehicle/person in violation of university regulations can be "booted" or towed at any time.

Vehicles may be "booted" or towed for the following reasons:

  • The vehicle is being operated by a person whose parking privileges have been revoked.
  • The vehicle or its driver is not registered with Security and has 2 or more violations.
  • The vehicle or its driver is registered with Security and has 3 or more violations.
  • The vehicle is displaying a forged, altered, or unauthorized parking permit.
  • The vehicle is abandoned, inoperable, or derelict.
  • The vehicle is parked in a handicap space, reserved space, or a space marked by a Tow sign.
  • The vehicle is parked on the grass, sidewalk, or otherwise non-legitimate space.
  • The vehicle has an invalid state registration.
  • The vehicle is parked in a driveway, fire lane, or travel lane in a manner which impedes traffic, constitutes a traffic hazard, or blocks the operation of emergency vehicles.
  • It is deemed necessary for security reasons by the Director of Security.

Immobilization Fees:

  • Boot - $100.00

If your vehicle is immobilized, all citations owed, plus the immobilization fees must be paid prior to "boot" being removed. Immobilization tickets are NOT appealable.

Once a vehicle has been immobilized, do NOT attempt to move the vehicle as this may cause serious damage. Tampering with or removal of immobilizer may result in revocation of parking privileges, a minimum fine of $200.00 and disciplinary action. Theft of an immobilizer is a felony and could result in criminal prosecution.

Towing Fees:

  • Post to Boot/Tow Warning - $75.00
  • Boot/Tow - $100.00 plus towing company fees

If your vehicle is towed, all citations owed, plus towing fees must be paid prior to the vehicle being released. Towing tickets are NOT appealable.


Traffic citations issued by the Department of Security are presumed to be valid unless proven otherwise. 

All Appeals must be completed online, located under the Parking tab; Parking Ticket Appeal, in-person appeals will NOT be accepted.

All Appeals must be done within three (3) business days of the issuance of the citation. Appeals will NOT be accepted after the 3-day period.

Appeals will not be accepted for failure to have a valid decal or improperly displayed decal.

Appeals must be for reasons other than disagreement over the rule being enforced.

The Appeals Committee has final decision-making authority regarding appeals. This committee is comprised of students, faculty, and university staff.  The members of this board change yearly.  All appeals must be submitted by email.  All decisions rendered by the Appeals Committee will be sent via e-mail to the individual‘s Florida Tech email address who submitted the appeal.

If the appeal is denied, a $10.00 processing fee will be added to the ticket fines.

All Decisions Rendered By The Appeals Committee Are FINAL; No Further Appeal Is Possible.  

Bicycle and Skateboard Regulations

Sections 316.0085, 316.1925 and 316.0085 are used as guidance to these regulations.

Under Florida’s Uniform Traffic Control Law, “Every person propelling a vehicle by human power has all the rights and all the duties applicable to the driver of any other vehicle under this chapter. The term “vehicle” includes bicycles under this law. Additionally, a person propelling a vehicle (a bicycle is a vehicle) by human power upon and along a sidewalk, or across a roadway upon and along a crosswalk, has all the rights and duties applicable to a pedestrian under the same circumstances. Pedestrians have the right of way in all instances.

The term bicycle includes: unicycles, bicycles or tricycles or any self-propelled unit of a similar type.  The term skateboard includes any similarly designed equipment including 3 wheels, handles, self-propelled or motor propelled.

All persons engaged in bicycling and/or skateboarding shall be responsible for:

  1. Acting within the limits of their ability and the purpose and design of the equipment used.
  2. Maintaining control of their person and the equipment used.
  3. Refraining from acting in any manner which may cause or contribute to the death or injury of themselves or other persons.
  4. Failure to comply with items 1, 2, or 3 shall constitute negligence.
  5. Every bicycle must have a seat.
  6. Bicycles cannot carry more than 1 person at a time. The exception is an adult with a child seat or baby sling.
  7. Bicycle riders under the age of 16 must wear an approved helmet.
  8. Bicycle riders, skateboard riders or riders of other similarly designed devices shall not grab hold of or onto motorized vehicles.
  9. Bicycles shall be ridden as close as practical to the right side of the sidewalk or roadway. They shall not be ridden in the middle or left side of the sidewalk, roadway or other surface.
  10. Bicycles are permitted to pass pedestrians, other slower moving vehicles only if it can be done in safety without interfering in the right of way of others and an audible signal is given to warn them.
  11. Bicyclists must utilize hand signals prior to making turns.  Bicycles used between sunset and sunrise shall be equipped with a white light in the front and a red light to the rear.
  12. Bicycles and skateboards must stop at all stop signs and before entering all intersections and crosswalks.
  13. When riding between buildings, bicyclists and skateboard riders shall stop or slow down as applicable before clearing the building and entering the adjoining roadway or sidewalk.
  14. Prior to entering a crosswalk or street, (with or without a stop sign) riders and skateboarders shall come to a complete stop, and then shall travel at a rate of speed consistent with pedestrian and/or another vehicle traffic.
  15. No person upon roller skates, or riding in or by means of any coaster, toy vehicle, or similar device, may go upon any roadway except while crossing a street on a crosswalk; and, when so crossing, such person shall be granted all rights and shall be subject to all the duties applicable to pedestrians. 
  16. Skateboards shall not be ridden on or in any structure.
  17. Skateboards are NOT permitted for use in the parking garages or buildings.  They must always be carried while inside.

Bike Storage and Use

Registering your bicycle with the Department of Security allows us to return your bicycle to you should it be found at a later date.

Locating your bike’s serial number:

The majority of serial numbers are located under the bottom bracket where the two pedal cranks meet. Simply turn your bike upside down and record the number. If there is no serial number there, then check places like the headset at the front of the bike or the rear stays. The diagram below indicates the five most common serial number locations. If you just can’t find anything then you can either engrave your driver’s license number or describe the bike the best you can when registering and take a picture with it to prove ownership.

The best chance at recovering a stolen bicycle is having a registered serial number. These numbers are used by police across the nation. You need the manufacturer's serial number to register your bicycle.

 Bike Serial No.

  1. underside of crank
  2. headset
  3. rear stays
  4. seat downtube next to crank
  5. top of crank

Bicycles are to be locked to bicycle racks ONLY. Any bicycle found locked to anything other than a bicycle rack will have the lock cut at the owner’s expense and the bike removed.

Bicycles are not to be stored in public areas, hallways, stairwells or attached to buildings.

If it is necessary to bring a bicycle within your dorm room, it must remain clear of all exits.

Bicycles in disrepair may be removed at any time.

Bicycles left on university property after the end of each semester will be donated to charity.

Anyone wishing to donate their bicycle to charity may turn it over to the Department of Security at any time.

Golf Cart Operations

State Law Summarized

The following rules are those promulgated by the State of Florida and are included for your information:

  • The laws of the State of Florida do not require licenses for the drivers of golf carts, if the golf cart is operated in accordance with the laws.
  • Nor is the golf cart required to be registered with the Division of Motor Vehicles or carry a license plate.
  • Florida Statutes 316.212 & 316.2125 limits the operation of golf carts to streets designated for such use.



While On Campus Regulations Pertaining To Golf Cart Operation Will Supersede The State Law When The State Law Is Inapplicable.


  1. Golf Cart: A motor vehicle that is designed and manufactured for operation on a golf course for sporting or recreational purposes and that is not capable of exceeding speeds of 20 miles per hour.
  2. "Low-speed vehicle" means any four-wheeled electric vehicle whose top speed is greater than 20 miles per hour, but not greater than 25 miles per hour, including neighborhood electric vehicles. Low-speed vehicles must comply with the safety standards in 49 C.F.R. s. 571.500 and s. 316.2122. For the purposes of this section, the term cart will include golf carts used on campus and specially designed carts utilized by Facilities.

Golf Cart and University Owned and Operated Vehicle Operation Rules:

Driving is a Full Time Job

Concentration is one of the most important elements of safe driving. The driver's seat is no place for daydreaming, mental napping, window shopping, scenic viewing or distracting conversation. Nor is it a place for a person who is ill, worried and angry, or in grief. Driving is a full-time job. There have been too many accidents after which the driver (if they survived) said, "I don't know what happened." (From the Florida Driver's Handbook) DRIVING IS A PRIVILEGE, the State of Florida considers the operation of a motor vehicle a privilege - not a right - which one must earn by proving that he or she is a good driver. One must not abuse the privilege or else risk losing it.

Pedestrians, Skateboarders and Bicyclists
  1. It is the driver's responsibility to do everything possible to avoid colliding with any pedestrians, skateboarders and bicyclists. At any non-signalized intersection, marked mid-block crossing or driveway, cart operators must yield to pedestrians wishing to cross the street or driveway.
  2. At signalized intersections, before making any turn, motorists must yield to pedestrians, skateboarders, and bicyclists.
  1. All operators must possess a valid driver’s license.  New employees must obtain a valid Florida license within 60 days of commencing employment at the university.
  2. Employees, student operators or anyone else using or attempting to utilize a cart on campus shall attend a training session. Training sessions will be conducted by Facilities Operations. They will be issued a certificate indicating that they have completed the course.
  3. All operators of carts must have a valid driver’s license in their possession while operating a cart, as well as a valid identification card and certification of training kept in their personnel record.
  4. All operators shall operate the cart at speeds in a safe manner as determined by the traffic in which they are operating.
  1. All carts must be equipped with head lamps, tail lamps, parking brakes, rearview mirrors, windshield and vehicle identification numbers.
  2. All carts must be in good operating condition with safe tires.
  3. Carts may not be operated on public roads or streets. This does not prohibit carts from crossing a road or street at an intersection, protected by traffic signals or crosswalk.
Operation of Carts
  1. All carts shall be brought to a complete stop at all stop signs, whether on or off campus.  A complete stop means a complete cessation of movement.  Operation of the cart will only commence again when the movement can be made in complete safety to the operator or others.
  2. Sidewalks - Carts can only be driven on sidewalks, parking lots or traffic ways owned by the university. They are not to be driven on the roadways.
  3. When operating on university roadways, the cart shall be operated on the farthest right side of the roadway.
  4. Carts shall not pass slower moving carts.
  5. If you are operating a slower moving cart and you observe another cart approaching from the rear, you may allow it to pass by moving to the curbside and waving it forward. 
  6. Carts shall not be “revved” up before placing into gear.  This operation will damage the transmission. Place the lever into gear then depress the gas pedal.
  7. Battery powered carts are faster than gas operated carts. Care must be exercised when switching from one type of cart from another.
  8. All operators shall keep their arms and hands inside the cart to prevent injury.
  9. The operator shall use two hands on the steering wheel.

Driver and Pedestrian Safety


All Florida Tech vehicles and carts on campus shall give the right of way to all bicyclists, skateboarders and pedestrians.  Every individual must do everything possible to avoid an accident.


  1. The driver of a vehicle at any crosswalk where signage so indicates shall stop and remain stopped to allow a pedestrian, bicyclist or skateboarder to cross a roadway when the pedestrian, bicyclist or skateboarder is in the crosswalk or steps into the crosswalk and is upon the half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling or when the pedestrian, bicyclist or skateboarder is approaching so closely from the opposite half of the roadway as to be in danger.
  2. When traffic control signals are not in place or in operation and there is no signage indicating otherwise, the driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way, slowing down or stopping, if need be, to so yield, to a pedestrian, bicyclist or skateboarder crossing the roadway within a crosswalk when the pedestrian, bicyclist or skateboarder is upon the half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling or when the pedestrian, bicyclist or skateboarder is approaching so closely from the opposite half of the roadway as to be in danger.
  3. No pedestrian, bicyclist or skateboarder shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is impossible for the driver to yield.


  1. More accidents occur at intersections than any other place. You should exercise extreme caution when approaching any cross street or road. Look in all directions and be aware of all that is around you such as skateboarders, bicycles, pedestrians and vehicles.
  2. If you are required to stop and exit your vehicle or cart anywhere on campus, it must not block sidewalks, handicapped areas, fire lanes or zones, or other vehicular or cart traffic ways.

Golf Cart - Passenger Safety Tips

  1. Passengers and drivers should always keep their feet inside the golf cart while it is in motion.
  2. Moreover, passengers should have both feet planted firmly on the floor while the golf cart is moving.
  3. For extra stability, a passenger should sit with his right hip against the right arm of the seat.
  4. A passenger should be aware of traffic conditions. A sharp, unexpected turn can throw a rider from the golf cart with serious consequences.
  5. On turns and fast straight-a-ways, the passenger should grasp with his hand the right arm of the seat.
  6. Carts may be occupied by the operator and one passenger for every 2-seat cart and an additional 2 passengers for every seat thereafter.
  7. At no time will anyone be allowed to hang from the side or rear of the cart.
  8. No skateboarding or bicycling person shall be allowed to hang on or “ride” on the back or side of a cart.
  9. A cart shall never be used to “jump start” another vehicle due to the potential for battery damage or explosion.


Carts are not known for their racing qualities. Electric carts with their fixed battery and electric motor combination, seldom can reach more than about twelve miles per hour. Over smooth and level roadways, progress at this speed can seem agonizingly slow. So, a contest develops to boost speed with lower gear ratios, altered motor field strength, and higher horsepower ratings to get the golf carts to go faster.  The result has been the achievement of speeds over twenty-five (25) miles per hour. Such speeds are well below the limits set for automobile operation. The danger for cart users is due to the less safe features of cart design:

  • No restraint system for passengers. No seat belts, no metal shell surrounding the passenger and little to hold on to.
  • High turn angle.
  • Lower braking friction.
  • Higher center of gravity relative to cart width.

All the above put cart riders at significant risk especially at brisk speeds. At 24 miles per hour the momentum of the human body is four times the force experienced at 12 miles per hour. Even at 6 miles per hour the cart passenger has difficulty staying in the cart in an abrupt left turn. A collision at 24 miles per hour would be like dropping from a second story window.  Carts going fast are also at the mercy of uneven pavements and could be thrown against a parked or passing car.

Adding to occupant danger at any speed is the tendency to leave a leg or foot outside of the cart while it is in motion.  Many serious injuries are reported from unexpectedly catching on the ground or a stationary object.

  1. Maximum speed anywhere for carts and ALL vehicles on campus is 10mph where it can be made in safety.
  2. Enforcement may include the use of RADAR.
  3. Racing of carts or vehicles is prohibited.


CRASH DEFINED: By the United Stated Department of Highway Safety: An incident involving a moving vehicle, (in this case a car, truck, van or cart), includes collisions with a vehicle, object, or person (except suicides) and derailment/left roadway.  Occurrence is a sequence of events that produces unintended injury, death or property damage. Accident refers to the event, not the result of the event. (NSC1)

  1. If you are in a crash while driving, you must stop. If anyone is hurt, you are required to render assistance and request help. Call the Department of Security at ext. 8112 or 321-674-8112.  You must also give your location, name, and any additional information to the dispatcher; as well as provide the same to the law enforcement officer or Security Officer.  YOU WILL BE REQUIRED to show your driver's license to the Security Officer who arrives on site.
  2. Report the crash immediately to the Department of Security, located at the Security Welcome Center, 3126 Panther Place. If a faculty or staff member, you must also notify your department head and Facilities Operations as necessary.
  3. Move your vehicle, if it is blocking the flow of traffic. If you cannot move it yourself, you must get help. This is true anytime your vehicle is blocking the flow of traffic whether it has been involved in a crash or not.

Crash involving an unattended vehicle

If, while driving, you hit an unoccupied vehicle or damage any object that belongs to someone else, you must notify the owner. Report the crash immediately to Florida Tech’s Department of Security at ext. 8112 or (321) 674-8112, 24/7.  Give the owner your name, address and cart number and the department you work for.  You are also required to report the crash to your department.

Night Driving

Driving at night poses additional challenges for operators of carts.  Their low profile and lack of automobile lighting make nighttime recognition more difficult.  For those reasons the following requirements must be adhered to:

  1. Carts and vehicles being operated from sundown to sunup shall utilize headlights.  Rear lights shall also be activated.
  2. Care shall be taken when approaching intersections, stop signs and oncoming traffic.
  3. At nighttime, you shall reduce your speed to less than the posted 10mph speed limit.

Hand Signals

Hand Signals to use when tail lights are not working correctly

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